^I hope I didn't come across as confrontational because that was not at all my intention to do so because I'm simply not that kind of person and I'm just a curious 50 year old sometimes and I still consider myself to be learning something new every day from knowledgeable folks such as yourself .
Most companies have it in their employment policy, that theft, vandalism and or sabotage are prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law now. This usually means now that “entering a site or a manufacturing plant equipped” will mean instant dismissal. British Petroleum, ICI and any pharmaceutical plant will have you held and arrested if you are caught “Equipped”
A Linux operating on a USB stick is there for just two purposes. To cause millions of pounds/dollars’ worth of damage, or industrial theft.
Until I retired with cancer, I worked in Oil and Gas, we took that sort of thing a tad more seriously. We tended to view people caught with hacking or theft devices as terrorists, a bit like the Armed Forces. If you want to know what the American Military do to you, when they catch you, email Chelsea Manning for advice.
Feel free to explain why you visit companies’ sites, or manufacturing facilities with a Linux DVD operating system? Do the people employing you - know? Are you not checked in by security? Do you not have to sign in? I haven’t been on any large or even medium scale site in the last 20 years without having to do an “Induction” All that small print you sign off on every time you walk, or drive on to site – I can almost guarantee, says “We will prosecute you for theft, sabotage, reckless or dangerous behaviour.”
Most companies consider Linux unsafe. I do. My Android phone a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra came with 65GB of Linux garbage already installed. I am not daft enough to use it for banking.
Enlighten everyone, as to which versions of Linux distributions have traceable accountability?
Businesses don’t use Linux for good reasons. It basically works out more expensive and less secure. There are literally thousand of articles on the Web as to why this is so.
Money isn’t really interested in Student and University hobbyists touting Linux. It considers money first, second and last.
The only Linux used with big money is the locked down bespoke kind – that really is just a continuation of UNIX, it sits on mainframes those boxes that run the banking system. “Joe public” doesn’t get to use it or have any legitimate interest in using it.
Finally: Big business takes things seriously. If it cost millions or billions to a company, they get really vicious. I had to give evidence in Court in 2008 against Apple and Adaptec for their stupidity and then their silly “middle class denials” for BP. Adaptec was the small guy. They ceased trading. You can destroy “Joe Publics” hard drives. Try doing that to corporations with money.
See below PDF, of internal email that ended Adaptec.
I hope that is comprehensive enough answer.