Can WinXP Pro 64 run all 32bit apps?

Ok..... So Scannow ran to completion.... that took a long time. I was away from the machine but i didn't see any boxes or msg's when I got back. When I rebooted the machine it went into a double boot cycle where it would try to start normal then reboot and end up at the F8 start menu.....

I did that 3 times..... then I hit the ole "last configuration that worked" and it booted back up to XP64

Learned something new today..... :b
I had uninstalled and "cleaned" MB off the machine b4 running the above "scannow"

Tried reinstalling MB... same thing..... "Unable to connect service"..... "not a valid Win32"

Yada yada yada......
checkdisk has different letters when run with the recovery console or from windows, if you type chkdsk /? you will get the menu telling all the letters available, when in the console it is p and r I believe, but if you press /r the /p and or /f is implied, I only ever run /r. :)
with some av's you have to use the uninstall tool from the specific website versus just using uninstall, you might have to reinstall comodo and run a removal tool from comodo for that specific version.
I'm having no fun at all with this x64 version of XP....

Over the years I have installed XP32 on 4 different machines, and multiple times on some of them, but I've never encountered so many "glitches" as with this laptop.

While returning to trying to install Malwarebytes, I've been reading and D/L a lot of 3rd party diagnostic and repair utilities, and learning about built in utilities to use also..... most of which won't even run because of errors.... "cannot find *.DLL" (even though I found the file, it's in the path, it's in the registry)

Another error I'm seeing with some apps is "cannot find entry point" which I assume refers to the registry key. When I try to run regsvr32 /U and /I I get error boxes that it cant' find an entry point either so nothing changed.

I bought this OS along with an older PC that had it installed from a tech a few years back, and I vaguely remember having some issues so I quickly wiped that drive and put the 32bit version on that machine. (which is still running fine).

Is it possible that MS put out another buggy OS and in this case didn't take the time to patch and update it properly? Although I was hesitant at first, I have now let MS Updates do anything it likes.... all my drivers are the most recent available and most of those are straight off the Dell Precision list.....

I do appreciate that many of you have offered suggestions which I have pursued, but I'm really losing patience with all the nags I'm seeing.

There's really no evidence of a virus or any malware behavior. I've run 3 different registry "scan/repair/fix" utilities and they all report there are no issues... but the error boxes keep popping up.

When I got sick of the Windows 10 that had been installed, I wrote the tech that had sold me this laptop and asked him if he happened to have an XP Pro 64 install with all the best drivers pre-loaded for the setup.... he wrote back and told me not to install XP, that the machine just wasn't designed for it.

He may have been right.... :*(
I'm gonna start D/L all the Dell drivers for XP x86.....

Can anyone here confirm or deny that the 3 Service Packs for XP 32bit are designed to work for both the Home and Pro editions?

AFAIK, they should.

For several years, I ran XP Home.. I d'led all 3 Service Packs as the 'standalone' Network Administrator type, and immediately archived them on good quality optical discs.

Some years later, I moved across to XP Professional during a re-install. I used the same Service Packs I'd downloaded for XP Home. They installed without a murmur.

Mike. ;)
Mike_Walsh is correct all 3 svc pks will work with both home, xp and mce, one problem that may be with the 64bit xp is that 64bit only needs up to service pack 2, and a lot of the programs and such that still support xp want service pack 3 installed.
AFAIK, they should.

For several years, I ran XP Home.. I d'led all 3 Service Packs as the 'standalone' Network Administrator type, and immediately archived them on good quality optical discs.

Some years later, I moved across to XP Professional during a re-install. I used the same Service Packs I'd downloaded for XP Home. They installed without a murmur.

Mike. ;)

Thanks for that input Mike.... I assumed this would be the case but couldn't find it spelled out in black and white any where.

Mike_Walsh is correct all 3 svc pks will work with both home, xp and mce, one problem that may be with the 64bit xp is that 64bit only needs up to service pack 2, and a lot of the programs and such that still support xp want service pack 3 installed.

According to all the info I've seen Liz, SP3 was the last for XP x86 while SP2 was the last for XP x64, and the two service packs are supposedly equal so far as updating the 2 different OS's.
Bummer that after all that work you couldn't get XP64 to play nice. I have no first hand experience with it but am not surprised at the results as it wasn't widely implemented. The comments about SP3 however make sense, most apps I've come across that still support XP list SP3 as a requirement.
Bummer that after all that work you couldn't get XP64 to play nice.

Yeah, I'm a bit bummed too.... it was a lot of time spent, and I expected better results.

I had been warned by Cornemuse back on page 1 of this thread that some apps simply would not run, but I'm seeing a lot of Windows components that won't run properly.

When I installed XP Pro 32bit some years ago, I was happy to see the option during setup to set the FAU size down to 512 bytes (if desired). This 64bit version doesn't make such an offering.

When using the Cmd Prompt, I have always preferred full screen and set XP up that way (from the shortcut options). This 64bit version has different dialog boxes than the 32bit and full screen is not an option so you're stuck in a little box. Who knows.... maybe there's a tweak, but why make it so difficult?

While in File Manager, if you hit "search" the default box that pops up wants to search for "People, Places, and Web." so you have to hit extra buttons to get to a file search. And then it doesn't find files that are right there where you just put them..... it's broken.

The last time I ran "sfc /scannow" on it, it wouldn't even boot to the "last good configuration". I had to boot "Safe" and go back to a restore point.

And of course there were also all the problems installing or running apps which I wrote about above.

So, I'm kicking the x64 version out, and being me I have to try installing the x86 version of XP Pro just to see if it was the OS, or the newer machine handing me all these problems.... (I think it was the OS).

I'll let you know... :b
I use 'PaintDotNet'.
(Paint.NET v3.5.11 (Final Release build 3.511.4977.23443) <- last version for XP)
I tried photoshop, gimp, etc, but prefer PDN, its a bit simpler to use & suits me for what I want to do.
The difference between running it speed-wise,[ XP32 vs XP64 [8 gigs ram w/ XP64]] is HUGE! Also seems faster with audio & video editing.
I even figured out how to install it without going on line. {you know, no antivirus with XP64}
Anybody here use PaintDotNet?

{PDN page only offers newest versions}

I hadn't considered upgrading the x64 version of Paint, but reading those comments was amusing.....

Don't remember the last time I was able to D/L anything off of OldApps.... tried a few times recently but was never able to complete a D/L.
This is what worked for me: "" Not 64 bit version, XP 32-64 version. You need DotNetFramework (I think at least 3.5 version)