Funny DETOX News

I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and good health for this new year.

I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and good health for this new year.

... then I would like to emphasize, that before celebrating the new year, we have in front of us (in front of us, now, tomorrow and the next day...) the most wonderful Christmas celebration, holidays... so let's rejoice now... response:

My Mug Every Day @ethanmara_art


jessie @Ara_audio

... then about SPACE:

Latest in space @latestinspace

In 2026, NASA is sending a drone to Saturn's largest moon, Titan, to look for signs of life Titan is the only other known world with oceans, lakes, and rivers

BREAKING: NASA’s InSight lander is no longer responding. Its final message was “My power’s really low. Don’t worry about me though…”

From Curiosity Rover

Wonder of Science @wonderofscience

A beautiful timelapse of the Milky Way setting behind Mount Rainier by Alex Spaeth.

"mars is incredible. you could convince me these photos were taken somewhere on earth, and i think that’s amazing. really shows the connection between planets that even millions of miles away, there’s still rocks and slopes and a sky and sand- just waiting to be further explored." - jessie @Ara_audio

A Brilliant Green Meteor Lights Up India’s ‘Sky Islands'
It isn't easy to photograph a meteor. But Prasenjeet Yadav did.
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"Watching you just took away the days stress,thank you! I feel so calm"
Free electricity for life Goodbye to your electricity bill
Found on YouTube:

Two New Christmas Desserts in 5 Minutes, No Cream Cheese, No Oven, No Condensed Milk!

150 times stronger than lemon and garlic Killer of all bacteria and fungi! Stops coughing

SHE HAS BECOME SUCH THAT! ( Homeless Awareness - Amazing Transformations )

AMAZING TRANSFORMATION | What A Wonderful Feeling - His First Haircut After Years
Thank you sharing this - Things can change for some - One health crisis and homeless in 2 weeks and on the streets. Very very sad, but good to see those that pick themselves up rather than wait for a politician with empty promises. .
Thank you sharing this - Things can change for some - One health crisis and homeless in 2 weeks and on the streets. Very very sad, but good to see those that pick themselves up rather than wait for a politician with empty promises. .
I'm with all poor homeless persons, in this period of Christmas festivities especially!
what happened to the picture?
Oh ... I don't know, sometimes that happens and sometimes not with my pictures?


If you (anybody) out there, if you need to talk and write, we're here. We're slow-paced but I'll be here tomorrow throughout the day to check in. You are not alone, never, be there for yourself and love yourself. Find the love (its there) and allow it to replace and remove any sadness. Remember, you are special just the way your are; unconditionally.

I love you.

Oh ... I don't know, sometimes that happens and sometimes not with my pictures?


If you (anybody) out there, if you need to talk and write, we're here. We're slow-paced but I'll be here tomorrow throughout the day to check in. You are not alone, never, be there for yourself and love yourself. Find the love (its there) and allow it to replace and remove any sadness. Remember, you are special just the way your are; unconditionally.

I love you.

Salvatore I love you too! We love you!

That's .gif image from (clicked on: copy image address) then inserting it in "Image" litte window on xpforums:


so "copy image in new tab", then allow scripts, then "copy image adrress" in 'Image" little window:


(...and "Media" little window: "cannot be embedded"... "proxy.php" of xpforums address NO image,..)

- so this is NOT working you see, it's xpforums technical problem (in "edit Post" window images are here) - we look for moderator to help us, please!..
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Seven South African trees for a sensational sunbird garden
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There are 21 species of sunbird in South Africa – two of which are endemic.

They are wonderfully charismatic little birds to see in your garden, and the southern double-collared sunbird, the malachite sunbird and the dusky sunbird are all common urban garden residents in South Africa.
These delicate little birds are threatened by both domestic and feral cats. There is no point starting a sunbird garden if you are a cat lover....

»The biggest widespread disease in Germany«: Every fourth call to the telephone counseling service on the subject of loneliness


Around 1.2 million people called for help this year. In addition to the issues of the Ukraine war and worries about one's livelihood, many of them were always concerned with one thing: they felt alone...

Photo: Alvaro Lavin Renteria/Getty Images

A good one in four calls to the telephone counseling center this year was about loneliness.

"Especially since the beginning of the corona pandemic, this has been a problem that has been mentioned again and again and affects all age groups," says Ludger Storch, chairman of the nationwide statistical telephone counseling working group.

“Of course, that was particularly evident during the lockdowns.

The framework conditions have changed in the meantime, but the fundamental problem is still there.«

According to Storch, many callers to the telephone counseling service reported “that they had difficulties getting in touch with other people again”.

Loose relationships have fallen asleep during the Corona period and one does not know how to revive them or find new connections.

The Patient Protection Foundation described loneliness as “the biggest widespread disease in Germany”.

Board member Eugen Brysch said that not only the elderly are affected by loneliness.

It falls short when Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) appeals to those affected to seek help of their own accord and to use offers such as telephone counseling.

"Doing something against the growing loneliness in society cannot only be left to institutional providers," said Brysch.

It is much more important »that each of us becomes aware of this common disease«.

It is important to take personal responsibility and have the "courage to speak out".

In total, around 1.2 million people would have called the telephone counseling service in 2022, about as many as in the previous year.

"This continues the high demand that we have seen since the beginning of the pandemic," said Storch, who is also the head of the telephone counseling service in Bochum.

The approximately 7,700 volunteers also answered around 43,000 emails and 37,000 chats...

Concerns about relationship stress and personal crises

The energy crisis and rising costs are also reflected in the telephone counseling calls.

“Especially people who already have a tight budget worry about how they can manage with their money and avoid additional payments,” said Storch.

The most common topics among all calls are still relationship stress, problems caused by mental illness and other personal crisis situations.

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