XP not allowing FoxPro to start up after showing the application's splash sc

Recently, I wanted to show a friend a Money Control System (MCS) I had created with my trusty, plain and simple FoxPro (not Visual FoxPro) on my HP Mini, but as soon as I clicked on the FoxPro shortcut icon, the FoxPro's splash screen popped up very briefly and then disappeared -- without allowing FoxPro to start up as it has normally done for years.

I have the Money Control System on another computer with the same OS (Win XP), and FoxPro works just fine on that machine - except that the screen resolutions are different on the two machines making it difficult to see the MCS properly on the second machine.

Would greatly appreciate some assistance in finding the solution to getting the HP Mini back to allowing FoxPro to work. No other applications on the HP Mini are affected in this same way.

Most discouraging indeed! :(
XPnot allowing Foxpro to start...

Thanks for your prompt reply.

I downloaded a completely new Foxpro 2.6 from the internet and installed it on a different drive than where the original FoxPro that was having this problem is located and lo and behold, even the new download experienced the exact same problem I had been facing, i.e. after clicking on the Foxpro shortcut icon, the splash screen pops up very briefly and then goes away.

When this occurred, I then surmised that it might be the HP-Mini that was interfering with the correct startup of FoxPro (in both instances).

Or might it have something to do with the OS itself?

Still puzzled.
XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

Hi Elizabeth23,

Hope you're not being bothered too much by Matthew and his shenanigns!

I have never received the error message "Divide by zero or overflow error" as I had patched FoxPro for that problem many years ago. I also immediately patched via a DOS Command window and patch2x.exe) the new instance recently downloaded from the Internet, but it too acted in the same way as my original FoxPro was doing. I.e. Click the icon, the splash screen pops up very briefly and then just goes away. Zilch. Nada.

The second suggestion is for MS's ODBC driver, This problem would probably show up once FoxPro 2.6 has begun functioning in normal fashion with a blank screen and the command window open to receive input from the user.

I'm not getting that far at all! Just the brief splash screen which disappears in only a few seconds.

Regarding your last question, everything else (other appliccations, internet, etc.) works well as it always has. Why only FoxPro is affected is what puzzles me. Bold the old copy and the new download as well - same problem. There has to be some common connection, shouldn't there? :rolleyes:
have you gone to program files, foxpro, and in the folders there is a foxpro.exe, does the program work if you open it from there??

Have you added any new programs or done anything different since the issue began??

are there any errors in event viewer pertinent to this issue??

above is .exe fix for xp,, it will not hurt to run, but might not be the problem as it is only this one .exe issue (look for EXE file association fix)

has the amount of free space decreased until the program has no room to work??

let me know above answers and will keep looking :)

As for Matthew, fortunately I am up in the panhandle of Florida, close to mississippi, and not on the east coast, thankfully for me :)
Point by point replies:
1) Yes, I tried launching FoxPro 2.6 directly from its own directory folder, but it didn't help any. The same results were happening: the brief splash screen and then shut down. No FoxPro main screen, no command window. Just no cooperation! I get the same results from the newly downloaded and installed FoxPro 2.6 from the Internet. Same results for both installations.

2) I had not accessed Foxpro for at least several months before my attempt to display my handiwork for a Money Control System to a fiend about a week ago. In the interim, I have frequently downloaded new software for trials.

3) No error messages pop up on the HP Mini when I try to launch either of the 2 FoxPro instances now on the HP Mini.I will check if there is anything related to this problem in the event viewer and get back to you on this point.

4) I used the exe fix for xp, but nothing changed.

5) Drive C: has 14.7 GB free and dirve D: has 41.9 GB free, so there's sufficient space.

Some other thoughts: The FoxPro installation on the HP Mini was taken from a PC I keep at home. The PC instance works find except for the different resolution. The same set of disks used on the PC and the ones I used to install the present FoxPro on my HP Mini. On top of that, I have a third instance of FoxPro on an old IBM ThinkPad that used the same original Foxpro program. It works OK , but also with the different resolution headache. Only the HP's installation is not launching properly and that's a problem that started only a couple of weeks ago. Go figure!!!

The different resolutions are fixable, but my favorite machine is the HP Minii as it goes wherever I go....
Okay, next set of questions :)

does the program open in safe mode??

You have 2 foxpro on the same machine, the mini??

above thread had 2 solutions,

1. to copy all info in every foxpro folder from the working foxpro xp to the nonworking foxpro folders on the hp mini, (after you have insured that there is only one instance installed)

2. to cancel processes one at a time until program starts, cancel one and then try to start program, etc. (here you would have to be careful as some are needed to run windows,for example I would not cancel explorer.exe, as this would cause your desktop and taskbar to disappear, but you can get them back by going to file on the task manager window and clicking on new and typing in explorer.exe)
the thread above talks about killing the process STTray.exe

will keep looking :)
reply no.2:

On my last Windows upgrade, I didn't use the installation disks. Instead, I simply copied my c:\foxpro26 and c:\foxprow folders to my new Windows Machine.

FYI: With FoxPro 2.6 for Windows, you might have to copy your foxfont file to the windows system directory containing fonts.

above from HERE, the section on FoxPro 2.6 for DOS/Windows: Windows XP



list of errors on foxpro if you find an error in event viewer

XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

Here's a brief report regarding the Event Viewer. There are 8 tabs:
1 - Application
2 - Security
3 - System
4 - I Explorer
5 - MS Windows-Forwarding/Operational
6 - ODiag
7 - OSession
8 - Windows PowerShell

No 1 had the following remarks
- Skype
- gusvc
- Windows Search Service
but nothing about FoxPro

Nos 2, 4, 5, 6 had nothing to report

No 7 had some data from 2010

No 8 had some date from 2012

I left the Application tab open and clicked on the FoxPro icon which briefly popped open the splash screen and went away. No new events were recorded in #1

I then left the System tab open and went through the same routine and got the same results in #2. So there seems nothing out of order from that angle.

I then put the HP-Mini in Safe Mode and there too the FoxPro icon briefly popped open the splash screen and went away.

Back to square #1. More in the next post.
XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

I have 3 machines which all have the same installation of FoxPro 2.6 for Windows (all files coming from the one and same set of FoxPro disks).

Machine #1 (HP-Mini) FoxPro doesn't launch at this time, but did in the recent past.
Machine #2 (IBM ThinkPad) FoxPro works OK
Machine #3 (HP Desktop) FoxPro works OK

On the HP-Mini, I downloaded a new FoxPro 2.6 from the Internet and installed it, but the results were the same: a brief splash screen which just goes away without going through the normal launching of the application.

I can't pinpoint where the problem lies -- with the FoxPro app, with the HP-Mini or with the OS (Win Xp SP3). With the HP-Mini, no other applications are producing a similar headache of showing a splash screen and then just closing down or disappearing without launching the needed application. Is there some way to isolate it?

By the way, I have an even earlier version of FoxPro on floppies and wonder if we can try putting it on the HP-Mini to see what happens (one - with the program itself), two - if FoxPro launches, then default it to a data folder where my Money Control System is located).

Your thoughts?
the only directories to worry about in event viewer are Applications and system.

I need the Source and the Event ID

gusvc is google update service

on windows update service see this thread

The issue with 3013 errors can be safely ignored. However, if they bother you disable or uninstall WDS. The only impact will be on searching on the Remote Access web site. Windows Desktop Search is the engine behind that. It's not used otherwise, so if you don't use the Remote Access web site, or don't need to search, you can turn it off.

Skype, not sure will definitely need the source and event id

ESENT, see this search page,
since I need the above info to help with this error

I have removed all directories from event viewer except Apps, Sys, and Security.


then reboot.


unless you need the windows search service disable it and disable indexing service.

will wait to see if coping the folders from the working xp to the mini will help the issue.
reply no 2:

I have 3 machines which all have the same installation of FoxPro 2.6 for Windows (all files coming from the one and same set of FoxPro disks).

Machine #1 (HP-Mini) FoxPro doesn't launch at this time, but did in the recent past.
Machine #2 (IBM ThinkPad) FoxPro works OK
Machine #3 (HP Desktop) FoxPro works OK

On the HP-Mini, I downloaded a new FoxPro 2.6 from the Internet and installed it, but the results were the same: a brief splash screen which just goes away without going through the normal launching of the application.

I can't pinpoint where the problem lies -- with the FoxPro app, with the HP-Mini or with the OS (Win Xp SP3). With the HP-Mini, no other applications are producing a similar headache of showing a splash screen and then just closing down or disappearing without launching the needed application. Is there some way to isolate it?

By the way, I have an even earlier version of FoxPro on floppies and wonder if we can try putting it on the HP-Mini to see what happens (one - with the program itself), two - if FoxPro launches, then default it to a data folder where my Money Control System is located).

Your thoughts?

have you tried the coping of foxpro folders from the good xp to the mini??
XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

Hello Elizabeth,

Just made a registry scan and came across a possible culprit:

Open with Application Issue ^^^ ^^^ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Applications\FOXPROW.EXE\shell\open\command

Once I hear from you about the above revelation, I'll attempt to copy the FoxPro folders from the IBM ThinkPad into tthe HP-Mini...

I have no idea what to do about the Application Issue above. Can you provide some guidance regarding that?

If that space between the F and the O is there, it should not be, do not know how it would have gotten there, compare it with the working xps


if you give me the source and event id, I can help with the application issues, if they are errors and/or warnings, if they are just info you can disregard.
XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

Good morning, Elizabeth. Regarding the space in the application name ( \F OXPROW.EXE,\ ), please be advised that there isn't one and never was. I had simply cut and pasted a rather long line and this message window apparently found it too long and just snipped the line at that particular position. When I generally click an icon, I usually right click it and get various options for opening the file I want. As the Event Viewer has caught this as an issue, might it be related to my problem? I am also attaching a jpeg of the Event Viewer for yesterday. Hope it gets to you OK. I will not shift the working FoxPro folders from the IBM ThinkPad until I hear from you again.


  • for Elizabeth23.jpg
    for Elizabeth23.jpg
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all events in the event viewer window shown are INFORMATION and can be ignored, if you wish a more detailed view , double click on the item and it will give more information, I only worry about errors and warnings


look at above article , figure 4, for a picture of errors and warnings, :)


copying the files from one pc to another will be fine,

copy all to a flash drive and then copy one folder to the same folder on the xp mini, it will ask if you want to replace similar files , just say yes,

you can copy one folder at a time and then test your icon to see if it works.
XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

Thanks for the useful reference to getting a useful printout/file of the Event Viewer's contents. I will redo what I did and sent to you a few days ago after getting rid of the un-needed logs and send the re-done item(s) to you before I do the moving of folders from the IBM to the ThinkPad...
XP not allowing FoxPro to start up ...

Back again! Having removed the extra logs in the Event Viewer and rebooted, I have prepared, thanks to your super reference, the application and system logs for your study. They are attached. Looking forward to your review and comments. Trying to upload the files, they were not acceepted as .xls files, so I'll do them again as .zips and get back to you shortly.