XP no longer plays Bitchute videos

Regarding this being an XP issue, I can't say for sure. Perhaps it's a browser issue.
using https://www.deviceinfo.me It clearly shows the O/S (True Operating System Core) as well as the user agent string.
Doing a search to have browser spoof the O/S (like the user agent), people say it is impossible short of involved and impractical methods.
I am not convinced. Somewhere there must be a byte line that can change NT 5.1 to e.g. NT 6.3 (Windows 8.1), presumably that does not break the O/S.
Regardless of if this is an XP issue,
I believe it in all our best interest to find how to spoof "True Operating System Core"

Ok So after some digging, I found that one can indeed spoof the O/S and via a not particularly difficult process (This is for Mozilla browsers).

So I spoofed my XP (Windows NT 5.1) O/S to be Windows 8.1 (Windows NT 6.3)

1] Go to https://www.deviceinfo.me to see what your browser is displaying, This line is the key one: True Operating System Core: Windows NT 5.1 (32-bit) (or 64-bit).

2] Back up your prefs.js file (This stores your about:config settings). You should find this here (This is an example your browser may be different):
C:\Documents and Settings\XYZ\Application Data\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\Profiles\tn69ivdz.default.

3] Go to about:config and search: general.oscpu.override
If it exists you will edit the value, If it does not exist, create:
right-click context menu: New -> String name: general.oscpu.override Value:
Windows NT 10 (Windows 10)
Windows NT 6.3 (Windows 8.1)
Windows NT 6.1 (Windows 7)

4] Open a tab and go to https://www.deviceinfo.me to check changes.

To revert the changes,
Go to about:config and search: general.oscpu.override right click and choose reset. Close browser and restart browser, Go to about:config and search: general.oscpu.override if not gone, close browser and overwrite prefs.js with your backup copy you did make a copy right?

Unfortunately this did not change my bitchute video issue.
The file list is indeed 99% graphics files, but there is a video file if you scroll slowly. It should look like this: (e.g.) https://seed307.bitchute.com/oACWZBJypqWf/2YUmfHQJuHf9.mp4 Note the video name is not in the file name...

Hi TMTGTR, thanks for your help.
I use page info on Firefox, f.i. on this page:
then it shows me this list, with NO .mp4
What do I do wrong.
Spoofing OS won't help - MyPal/Serpent 55 won't play bitchute videos on Windows 10 either, I just tested.

Someone has found a workaround involving Ublock Origin:

Ublock Origin legacy for XP browsers:


I tested in MyPal 28.8.2., BitChute videos played fine.

These tech companies don't seem to understand or care that many of us have learned the hard way that some of their "upgrades" are actually downgrades that reduce functionality, break perfectly working systems and waste precious time troubleshooting which is why we are loathe to "upgrade."
100% correct. They DON'T care. Emailing them is a waste of time, if you get a reply it will be a along the lines of "We don't support outdated OSes/browsers, please upgrade to a supported platform. Have a nice day."
Spoofing OS won't help - MyPal/Serpent 55 won't play bitchute videos on Windows 10 either, I just tested.

Someone has found a workaround involving Ublock Origin:

Ublock Origin legacy for XP browsers:


I tested in MyPal 28.8.2., BitChute videos played fine.
Thanks for the info. When you say "I tested in MyPal 28.8.2., BitChute videos played fine" is this on an XP machine? Also what settings tweaks are you using in UBlock (I'm not seeing Bitchute Videos with it on MyPal 29.3 or Newmoon 28.10.)
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Spoofing OS won't help - MyPal/Serpent 55 won't play bitchute videos on Windows 10 either, I just tested.

Someone has found a workaround involving Ublock Origin:

Ublock Origin legacy for XP browsers:


I tested in MyPal 28.8.2., BitChute videos played fine.
I revisited the MSFN article and put on my glasses (heh, heh). I have to admit I was still lost and started clicking kinda randomly, resetting, trying again.

Somehow I got the partial uBlock workaround going but no comments or likes. or "more" button working on the page (yet?).

So I still am interested on what you did. That said, here's a screen shot of my uBlock "My Filters":

and my ublock "My Filters" list if someone wants to import it (attached)


  • my-ublock-dynamic-rules_2021-11-24_00.02.51.txt
    323 bytes · Views: 22
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Hi TMTGTR, thanks for your help.
I use page info on Firefox, f.i. on this page:
then it shows me this list, with NO .mp4
What do I do wrong. View attachment 909
Hi again TomiB, I think uBlock is the direction we need to go in. ANOTHER work around I found is that if I left clicked on the blank page a context menu comes up and I can "copy video link" I pasted into the url bar and the video loaded. A little easier than my first workaround. The thing is I had to move the courser around to get the right context menu.
Somehow I got the partial uBlock workaround going but no comments or likes. or "more" button working on the page (yet?).

So I still am interested on what you did. That said, here's a screen shot of my uBlock "My Filters":

Windows XP Pro SP3. No changes to any filter. All I did is disable inline scripts.



Likes and comments are not working as stated in the msfn.org link I provided.

There's still some videos that won't play, specifically those using AVC codec which MyPal doesn't support.


(No video with supported format and MIME type found.) This video plays does play in Serpent 55 with UBO + inline scripts disabled.
Spoofing OS won't help - MyPal/Serpent 55 won't play bitchute videos on Windows 10 either, I just tested.

Someone has found a workaround involving Ublock Origin:

Ublock Origin legacy for XP browsers:


I tested in MyPal 28.8.2., BitChute videos played fine.

OK thanks, I downloaded the legace uBlock from here:
a .zip file, how do I install it into firefox or Mypal?
copy the directory into the browser directory and then go to preferences and add ons but how import/start which file to integrate it?
thanks for a hint !
You downloaded the wrong file. The zip file is source code for compiling it yourself

You need to download the xpi file.

Then go to MyPal - Addons and select 'Install Add-on From File..' and choose the xpi file you just downloaded

Windows XP Pro SP3. No changes to any filter. All I did is disable inline scripts.

Hi ClippyBeer, thanks, got it in MyPal now, but how do I get the 6 lines images, 3rd-party, inline scripts, 1st.. etc. to show up above bitchute.com in the uBlock, to block inlinescripts. I only get the 3 domains show up, no lines above bitchute.com.

Does it also work in Firefox or only in MyPal? Thanks for the help.
Hi ClippyBeer, I turned on "My Filters" in the preferences and I added the lines below to "My Filter-List".
But they do not show like in your screenshot (and bitchute videos do not work).
Thanks for your help !

no-csp-reports: * true
no-large-media: behind-the-scene false
behind-the-scene * * noop
behind-the-scene * 1p-script noop
behind-the-scene * 3p noop
behind-the-scene * 3p-frame noop
behind-the-scene * 3p-script noop
behind-the-scene * image noop
behind-the-scene * inline-script noop
www.bitchute.com * inline-script block
Hi ClippyBeer, thanks, got it in MyPal now, but how do I get the 6 lines images, 3rd-party, inline scripts, 1st.. etc. to show up above bitchute.com in the uBlock, to block inlinescripts. I only get the 3 domains show up, no lines above bitchute.com.

Does it also work in Firefox or only in MyPal? Thanks for the help.

Hi ClippyBeer, as I wrote above, I can not get the "My Rules" in MyPal Browser to get applied to bitchute as you had your printscreen where it shows "inline scripts" etc. above bitchute.com in the UBlock window.

I do have www.bitchute.com * inline-script block
in My Filters and My Rules.
Hi ClippyBeer, thanks, got it in MyPal now, but how do I get the 6 lines images, 3rd-party, inline scripts, 1st.. etc. to show up above bitchute.com in the uBlock, to block inlinescripts. I only get the 3 domains show up, no lines above bitchute.com.

Does it also work in Firefox or only in MyPal? Thanks for the help.
Windows XP Pro SP3. No changes to any filter. All I did is disable inline scripts.



Likes and comments are not working as stated in the msfn.org link I provided.

There's still some videos that won't play, specifically those using AVC codec which MyPal doesn't support.


(No video with supported format and MIME type found.) This video plays does play in Serpent 55 with UBO + inline scripts disabled.

Hi ClippyBeer, I can't get the rule "inline script * block to run what do I do wrong:
Thanks for your help see my description in the posts above, here how it looks:

Spoofing OS won't help - MyPal/Serpent 55 won't play bitchute videos on Windows 10 either, I just tested.

Someone has found a workaround involving Ublock Origin:

Ublock Origin legacy for XP browsers:


I tested in MyPal 28.8.2., BitChute videos played fine.

100% correct. They DON'T care. Emailing them is a waste of time, if you get a reply it will be a along the lines of "We don't support outdated OSes/browsers, please upgrade to a supported platform. Have a nice day."

Hi ClippyBeer,
I tried the workaround and it works. Thanks.
The comments don't show as you said but I can live without them.
For some reason, I'm no longer getting alerts about replies to this thread.
Hi ClippyBeer,
I tried the workaround and it works. Thanks.
The comments don't show as you said but I can live without them.
For some reason, I'm no longer getting alerts about replies to this thread.

Hi Boris, thanks,
bitchute videos do not play in my MyPal 29.3.0 (XP, SP3) probably because I do no know how to activate the "www.bitchute.com * inline-script block" in the MyFilters / MyRules of UBlock.
Maybe somebody like ClippyBeer can give me a hint what to do so that it shows up in the UBlock with a red bar as in his screen shot above.
I can not get the those lines (images, 3rd-party, inline scripts, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, activate and show up like this:

Screenshot of ClippyBeer:

Of course I don't know whether that would solve my problem and let see bitchute videos directly, without the workaround of page-info and media, video play manually, that does work at least.
Hi TomiB,

I just followed the instructions in the msfn link that ClippyBeer provided and it worked for me.
- I clicked the gear wheels on the right side of uBlock Origin while on a bitchute page that didn't show.
- then clicked "I am an advanced user" (which I'm not lol)
- went back to the same bitchute page and in uBlock clicked the far right red box on "inline scripts"
- clicked "refresh" in uBlock
- refreshed the bitchute page and the video showed up and played.
Hope that helps.
Hi TomiB,

I just followed the instructions in the msfn link that ClippyBeer provided and it worked for me.
- I clicked the gear wheels on the right side of uBlock Origin while on a bitchute page that didn't show.
- then clicked "I am an advanced user" (which I'm not lol)
- went back to the same bitchute page and in uBlock clicked the far right red box on "inline scripts"
- clicked "refresh" in uBlock
- refreshed the bitchute page and the video showed up and played.
Hope that helps.

Thanks Boris
I can't see/find the "gear wheels" on the right side of uBlock Origin !
(I use UBlock
Is that the "Preferences" of UBlock or the preferences of MyPal?
In UBlock I only have the "Open Dashboard" which you're not talking about.
I'm in Switzerland so maybe some symbols are different or missing here and I would have to find that "gear wheels" in the menu above?
Thanks for a hint Boris !