Which browser do you use in XP?


I'd be really interested to know which browsers you all use to access this site :). The reason I ask is that the forum software could do with an upgrade, but the newer forum software won't work well with browsers like IE8 which many Windows XP users could be running.

Are we mainly Chrome/FireFox here?
Hello Ian from Aunty Jack,

I tried Firefox Portable - not so good. Now using Firefox latest version which runs perfectly. Google Chrome, ok but eats up a lot of resources. Opera, sadly, always wants plugin updates and the number of times it wanted Adobe Flash (latest version which is installed) turned me off Opera. Slimboat is not bad but a bit lacking. IE8 does not seem to want to install on my PC for some reason but I don't want or use it anyway but it "magically appears or did for XP updates. Now, "me little lovelies", I have XP fully functional with Wi-Fi internet running and Immunet 3 Antivirus, at idle, in 184.6 Mb. BTW, look up Aunty Jack on Google and Youtube for a laugh.

Cheers, Aunty Jack.
Thanks for the replies :). It sounds like the browsers that we're all using would be compatible with a forum upgrade - perhaps it would make sense to upgrade the forum software after all one day!
Hi, I hope , i'm not yet too late for this. I sometimes use Firefox but most of the time Chrome although in the latter, I often encountered difficulties when trying to access my windows XP.
Hello Bertha,

After a while not understanding Chrome (my fault) I use Chrome 100% of the time. Firefox still (appears to me anyway) has memory leaks and is quite dreadful with Youtube - slow, stops and starts. Chrome however seems made for Youtube.

And, even though the Chrome install is fairly big - near 300 Mb, it sure ain't slow even on old "performance challenged" equipment.

My only gripe with the current build of Chrome is the change to how bookmarks are saved but there is an easy way around that. If you have troubles with bookmarks drop me a message here.

Cheers from Aunty Jack.
Internet Explorer = Heart Attack. Come on it is too slow.

Mozilla = Good only on Linux.
Opera = Good on 256MB ram PC.
Google Chrome = Good on 512MB Ram or more PC.

IE8 is only slow on certain websites that make heavy use of javascript. One of the reasons why I like IE8 so much is b/c of its underwhelming javascript engine. It means I could leave my PC on to upload to OneDrive (which is probably the most jscript intensive website/functionality there is) for hours at a time w/o it heating up my system.

For everything else, I have Opera 12.17 (the last version based on their own Presto engine b4 they dumped it in favor of putting an Opera skin on top of Google's Chromium engine in their latest releases). O12.17 has the best combo of speed, resource usage, and features.

I'm reluctant to use Google Chrome b/c I don't like Google as a company. In fact, I am trying to avoid Googling things as best as I can in favor of Binging/Yahooing it. And I also have the latest FireFox installed as a backup browser only...
Google Chrome = Never unless I want to play flash games/ Unity games but that's all I ever use it for, and yeah **** privacy

Mozilla firefox = everything, user friendly and respects privacy

Internet Explorer = best browser to download another browser but surprisingly it loads every websites so far
I used Chromium and firefox in my windows xp. I use them in a restricted account. My computer is almost 14 years now. Hahaha... Still using this one. But I have a one running on Windows 7. XP is still working fine. No infection or whatsoever.
I've used a lot and finally found that none of them is really compatible to xp and html5 at the same time anymore.

I preferred using opera 9 for the high speed, the low memory consumption (I've disabled JS, if that makes a big difference). I also love the functions (mouse gestures, site specific preferences, direkt drag'n'drop of links and images to the download-sidebar for dl). And of course the look after I've installed Lix skin!

Then I am using Opera 12.17 (last version based on opera#s own engine "presto" instead of the same engine as google chrome "webkit"). In the beginnin g I've used it to be compatible to sites using newer technologies which opera9 no longer can handle. Then I've found ExtendTube, which drastically increases the usability of youtube. And now I'm only using it to watch youtube videos without ads anymore.

Meanwhile for compatibility I'm using firefox and sometimes google chrome portable.

about the issues I've talked in the beginning:
Opera 9: no html5-support at all.
Opera 12: no html5-h.264-support.
FireFox (34+?): delivered h.264-decoders don't run at xp - and they diabled the possibility to use an own h.264-decoder (direct-show filter).
Chrome: working h.264-decoders but buggy displaying/drawing functions on xp (interfering with other windows; you bring another window in front of chrome and parts of chrome "flicker through").

So my conclusion: there is simply no solution fullfilling all needs for xp.
I'd suggest chrome if you want tu watch videos.
I'd suggest firefox for compatibility and privacy.
And I'd suggest the outdated opera 9 for speed and performance (and a customizability, that has afaik no more been reached in browser history).