Mypal browser

Anyone know how to turn off 'hardware acceleration'? Since re-installation this browser has been freezing on me, and someone said to disable 'hardware acceleration', but its not where it should be (as in Firefox & IceDragon).
I get a lot of not responding with both mypal and firefox, I believe it might be due to uBlock origin as I have every filterlist, :)
I only get "not responding"" on youtube home page when clicking on a video.Because the damm Javascript is so heavy

That's quite understandable--YouTube these days won't work well on anything less than a dual-core PC (and even those are starting to have issues with YT). With older single-cores it is much more difficult unless you have a VERY good graphics card, the maximum RAM the motherboard will take, and/or a SSD (my DC5000 has 4GB of RAM, but that is bottlenecked by an aging 40GB HDD and on-board graphics). YouTube used to have next to no trouble working well even on a Pentium III/4 up until about a year and some change ago, thanks to their Flash Player support for many years. When they cut that off, people on older PCs got left in the dirt unless they found alternative means of watching videos (i.e. downloading them and playing them back with a program, or running them through something like VLC in real-time).
Chances are, depending on your hardware, you may not even get a 'not responding' message in the first place. I wouldn't expect it on a dual-core or better, but certainly something like a Pentium 4 or an Athlon 64 may end up getting it.
I get a lot of not responding with both mypal and firefox, I believe it might be due to uBlock origin as I have every filterlist, :)

No idea how you got uBlock Origin to Mypal. It's not in the list(, and in the firefox list ( it says a newer version of firefox is required. the choices of popup and ad blockers for Mypay are awful....I'm using Popup Blocker Ultimate, so doubt that is the cause of freezes.
This link should help:

There is a special version of uBlock compatible with MyPal which is maintained on GitHub--it can be a bit tricky to DL/install, but it's explained in a guide which this page links to. I hope & pray that this will be useful for you! The updater will automatically get you the latest version (which can come in handy, since MyPal's extensions in most cases don't have automatic updates built-in).
if I wait a few seconds the not responding goes away for me, :)

When mine freezes, its frozen solid. Cursor no longer works, 'Ctrl+Alt+Delete' is dead, on/off button on my PC is useless. Only option is to cut the power. I have a flip switch between my PC and the Tripp-Lite LS606M that acts as an emergency killswitch, but I'm sure its not good for the components on my PC.
to freeze solid means that something is not compatible, either a plugin or an extension
and the only way to check is disable all, and turn on one at a time, use your browser and then see if it freezes. time consuming but is the only way to tell. :)
to freeze solid means that something is not compatible, either a plugin or an extension
and the only way to check is disable all, and turn on one at a time, use your browser and then see if it freezes. time consuming but is the only way to tell. :)

I was not aware of that. Probably have too many of them on Iron:
Adguard Adblocker
Disconnect Facebook pixel & FB Tracking
Flash Block (Plus)
Keyboard Privacy
Pay by
Search by Image
Skip Redirect
Stealth Mode
WebRTC Leak Prevent
Yes, it will be a long process to track down the culprit.
I was not aware of that. Probably have too many of them on Iron:
Adguard Adblocker
Disconnect Facebook pixel & FB Tracking
Flash Block (Plus)
Keyboard Privacy
Pay by
Search by Image
Skip Redirect
Stealth Mode
WebRTC Leak Prevent
Yes, it will be a long process to track down the culprit.

You can also look for heat issues and leaking capacitors. It isn't always incompatibility, actually I find it almost never is.
Lockherup, yes it could be hardware if the pc froze at anytime, but if it is only when on the internet, that seems to be plugins. :)
That's quite understandable--YouTube these days won't work well on anything less than a dual-core PC (and even those are starting to have issues with YT). With older single-cores it is much more difficult unless you have a VERY good graphics card, the maximum RAM the motherboard will take, and/or a SSD (my DC5000 has 4GB of RAM, but that is bottlenecked by an aging 40GB HDD and on-board graphics). YouTube used to have next to no trouble working well even on a Pentium III/4 up until about a year and some change ago, thanks to their Flash Player support for many years. When they cut that off, people on older PCs got left in the dirt unless they found alternative means of watching videos (i.e. downloading them and playing them back with a program, or running them through something like VLC in real-time).
Hm, enlighten me on that process? I'd like to try it.
What's the last version of VLC for XP?
With newer versions of VLC (I'd say anything in the 2.x series or later), you should be able to directly copy YouTube links into VLC and watch videos that way. The process is explained here, and still works with the latest version of VLC:

With older VLC versions (1.x.xx and earlier), I follow a similar process but utilize the .3gp format for the lowest possible overhead. Go to, search for the video you want to watch, and click on it. You should be presented with a list of different download links for various formats. Look for 3gp 240p (or 144p if it's unavailable), right-click on it, click on "Copy Link Address," and paste the link in VLC (Media > Open Network Stream > HTTP/HTTPS). This will allow you to watch the video in real time (it helps to have a good Internet connection, because mine sometimes has skips & pauses).