360 Extreme Explorer (Chrome 69 for Windows XP)


The main reason I have moved away from XP is the lack of browser updates resulting in modern websites not rendering properly. The available Mozilla browsers, although contsantly updated, are based on older rendering engines so many websites don't work properly or at all.

Chrome hasn't been much better - the latest version that will run on XP is 49. Fortunately for XP users there have been updated Chrome browsers that have been back-ported. I have tried a few and the one that works with practically every website I've tried is 360 Extreme Explorer 11 based on Chrome 69.

Here is Humming Owl's sub-forum where he lists several XP Chrome browsers.


Download version 11 of 360 Chrome from his links.


It has more features than any XP Chrome browser and has options to clear browsing data right from a toolbar on the bottom right.


It scores a whopping 505 on html5test, the highest for any XP browser.


For all you Bitchute fans, that site works 100% in 360 Extreme Explorer including comments.


Yes, you can install extensions from Chrome Web Store - I have installed Ublock Origin and as you can see, Youtube works even hover-to-play.


Zoom meetings can be run from the browser, no client software needed.


Skype was not an option for XP users - until now.


What doesn't work with 360 Chrome? DRM.
Any video streaming sites that rely on Widevine Content Decryption Module (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video) won't work.

Overall I am thoroughly impressed with 360 Extreme Explorer 11. I am going to continue my testing to see what issues I'll encounter but am satisfied with its features/performance. This is currently the best web browser for Windows XP.
Thanks for this one Clippy.... I've never cared for Chrome, and especially the damn bookmarks manager, (probably due to years of FF) but this is the first browser in a long time that allows me to login to my online banking. And yes, it seems to work normally opening Bitchute as well.

Good day,
I've tried it on a virtual machine. It seems quite promising. Faster at startup than my portable Firefox on ramdisk. That's quite impressive.
But I can't try it on my main computer for now because it requires SP3.
There appear to be versions for SP2. If you check Humming Owl's download links some of the filenames imply that they are for that version of XP.

Thank you for the information.

As stated in his links, the version 12 and 13 "modified" are natively compatible with SP2.
And they are "portable versions" !!! That's all good !! Time to test...
Well, tested for several hours now.
It's good, really good.
-The fastest web browser at startup...really fast. 1 second on my ramdisk.
- I can now access all the sites I couldn't with firefox 52, slimjet or Basilisk.
- Use a lot less memory and processor on streaming sites.
- Browsing on youtube was a pain in the ass with firefox52. Changing videos tooks sometimes 5-10 secondes. Now it's about 2 s each time.

But...there's a but...
On my computer (core2duo E8600 / xp sp2 / 8 go ram)

There is a problem with audio on streaming site (youtube, dailymotion). The video is smooth, but I can hear "artifact" like when listening on phonograph disc. Or sometimes, the sound is cut like 20-50 ms...It's really disturbing and occurs 2 or 3 times per minute.
I tried 360EE V12 and V11 and it's the same thing. I have not this problem with Firefox52 or other web browser.

Gonna try to change several options to solve the problem...
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I have a lower spec PC than yours and Chrome 360 11 has no problems with lagging audio on video sites.


I would check what background processes you might have running (Antivirus software are resource hogs that constantly run in the background).
Hi ClippyBeer.

I think I have a pretty optimized computer. With low resources consumption.

My computer is switch on for 50 days now and my antivirus (avast) only used 13 minutes of "cpu time"…"temps processeur" in French (^^). And only 12 minutes for my firewall.


When watching vids on Youtube, with 365EE, the total processor load is about 20 % to 30 %.
Memory, less than 1 GB. I have 4 GB for the system and 4 GB as ramdisk.

For now I'm thinking more about a service pack factor (I'm still with sp2). Yes 360EE works really well with sp2. But maybe it lacks some features included in sp3 to work perfectly. I will continue my testing to find out.

Please excuse my bad English…I'm from France.
Nice. I've been watching this build for a while now but have opted not to try it because it's based on a chinese build that had some backdoors that they had to patch. I don't know if any of that patching has been continued as it was a pain for them to lock down.

As far as your audio issue, I've seen this before on one of my laptops and it's actually a sound driver issue. When you get a chance, reboot and see if the problem is solved. If not, you'll need to update/downgrade the sound driver and you should be fine.
Firstly, Thank You ClippyBeer, I have been eyeing this one but you're giving out experienced intel :) China paranoia runs high with me. I am setting up a new XP SP3 PC with no security concerns so trying out this browser is possible (Unless Feodor2's new browser comes out soon and is the hands down winner).
I am not Knowledgeable with many things and HOST file is one of them.
On Feodor2 github discussions one post caught my eye:

ghost commented Feb 10, 2022
I do not like much Chrome neither trust much this browser

You can add these domains to the hosts file. This blocks almost all third-party requests from the 360EE browser.
Read more.
Is this applicable to your research/testing?

The entries are: update.googleapis.com edgedl.me.gvt1.com p.ssl.qhimg.com p0.ssl.qhimg.com p1.ssl.qhimg.com p2.ssl.qhimg.com p3.ssl.qhimg.com p4.ssl.qhimg.com p5.ssl.qhimg.com p6.ssl.qhimg.com p0.qhimg.com s.ssl.qhres2.com s0.ssl.qhres2.com s1.ssl.qhres2.com s2.ssl.qhres2.com s3.ssl.qhres2.com s4.ssl.qhres2.com s5.ssl.qhres2.com s6.ssl.qhres2.com hao.qhimg.com hao0.qhimg.com hao1.qhimg.com hao2.qhimg.com hao3.qhimg.com hao4.qhimg.com hao5.qhimg.com hao6.qhimg.com gua2.qhimg.com dd.browser.360.cn tt.browser.360.cn browser.360.cn cloud.browser.360.cn query.rec.360.cn ext.chrome.360.cn uapi.mp.360.cn puv.tt.browser.360.cn seupdate.360safe.com dl.360safe.com api.open.360-game.net v5.360game.360.cn xbox.360game.360.cn cube.3600.com yxdt.game.keniub.com weather.hao.360.cn cdn.weather.hao.360.cn mbsug.ssl.so.com s.360.cn se.360.cn s.f.360.cn tv.360.cn qurl.f.360.cn dl.360tpcdn.com t.wg.360-api.cn
I have only tested this browser for website compatibility so haven't had the chance to install Wireshark to verify whether it does indeed connect to all the domains in that Github thread which I believe discusses 360 chrome from the author's website, not the version modified by Humming Owl that I ran through my tests.

Follow this thread and if interested, register and post your queries there, they are very active and respond in a timely manner.


I also tested version 13 which is based on Chrome 86 and not only did it score lower on HTML5TEST than v11 but I found it less compatible with sites that worked perfectly in v11.

I'm very busy with work right now so don't have much time to do extensive testing especially since the only XP machine I have left is an old slow Compaq V2000 laptop with 512 MB RAM - all browsers crawl on that machine.

As far as paranoia, well, unless you wrote the software yourself there will always be risk involved.

If you're an XP user and you want BitChute or Skype then 360 Extreme Explorer 11 is your only option.
As far as your audio issue, I've seen this before on one of my laptops and it's actually a sound driver issue. When you get a chance, reboot and see if the problem is solved. If not, you'll need to update/downgrade the sound driver and you should be fine.
Thank you for the suggestion. I already rebooted my computer but the problem remains. Except with this browser, I have no audio problems. Watching the same youtube videos with my Firefox 52, audio is perfectly clean.
I have to make extensive tests but I'm quite sure it's more of a compatibility problem (I'm still with sp2).

Firstly, Thank You ClippyBeer, I have been eyeing this one but you're giving out experienced intel :) China paranoia runs high with me.

I have only tested this browser for website compatibility so haven't had the chance to install Wireshark to verify whether it does indeed connect to all the domains in that Github thread which I believe discusses 360 chrome from the author's website, not the version modified by Humming Owl that I ran through my tests.
As far as paranoia, well, unless you wrote the software yourself there will always be risk involved.
If you're an XP user and you want BitChute or Skype then 360 Extreme Explorer 11 is your only option.

Nice. I've been watching this build for a while now but have opted not to try it because it's based on a chinese build that had some backdoors that they had to patch. I don't know if any of that patching has been continued as it was a pain for them to lock down.

With a fresh "installation" (it's a portable version) without any plugin/extensions, I've noted only three unrequired connection
To : / ssdp / google server / google server

It seems clean for me.:)
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One thing that constantly bugs me with this Chrome360 browser is that all the open tabs are almost the same color, and I can't seem to figure out how to change this.

I did D/L a dark theme from the Store, but I don't see where it installed or changed anything in the menu for settings or appearance.

Any help would be nice.

There doesn't seem to be a way to add themes to 360 EE Browser 11. On first run it will ask you if you want dark theme but doesn't have an option to change the theme thereafter without manually editing the preferences file.

The file is located in the browser's \User Data\Default\ directory. Open the Preferences file with Notepad and search for the following string:

"theme": {
until you find the following section:


you can switch between 4 different themes by editing the string after "id".

The following values will apply the following themes: (browser restart required)









Can't seem to find a way to activate themes downloaded from Chrome web store, will have to dig deeper when I have more time.
Thank you for that Clippy..... big help. From the screen shots you posted, jisu9 and jisu11 appear to be identical unless I missed something.

So I found out that none of the 360 Extreme Explorer browsers will allow themes from the Chrome Web Store so you're stuck with the built-in themes.

I've been playing around with ArcticFoxie's build of 360 Extreme Explorer 13 and so far seems more compatible that HummingOwl's v11.


Github and Yelp wouldn't work properly with HO's v11 but work fine with AF's v13. I downloaded the un-Googled version (warning - unGoogled version doesn't work installing extensions from Chrome Store and must be installed manually. If you don't know how to do this download the Google versions instead) and so far no issues on any websites. Like HO's browsers all telemetry has been removed and are portable.

Try them for yourself and post feedback.
Thus far ... I've stood by the arcticfoxie builds and use V11 ungoogled with very good performance and results.


The 2nd link is for the ungoogled version and to my knowledge there are any updates to be expected, so we're using it until it 'poops out' on us and keep our fingers crossed that day is in the distant future. Lol ;)
So I found out that none of the 360 Extreme Explorer browsers will allow themes from the Chrome Web Store so you're stuck with the built-in themes..
Yes, this is correct especially if you are using the ungoogled version(s)

If you download his version 11, you have 2 options:

This is his main skin he created for his builds.


If you remove the jisu file *complately* you will be left with this rather bland skin(less) - not all that bad, considering one might want little colors.


Otherwise, you'd need to find a skin from another way, but arctic foxie doesn't recomend it, although I DO change my skin from an early build, because, as you can see, I use the classic theme on my XP so the blue looks out of place ... at least to my eyes.
I don't mind sharing my jisu11 skin file, just scan and use caution when some (creepy) stranger like me offers up some file. Can you trust me ... Yes! Should you trust me ... Of course not - trust nobody unless earned. This skin file has animation(s) so it actually could slow compare to no jisu file (skinless)


  • jisu11.zip
    161 KB · Views: 51
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