XP-Forever, Help me fight "change"

Question: is anyone planning to fully support the "after-end-of-life" XP market?

I've had enough "change", thank you. Microsoft will no longer support XP after April, 2014, what can I do?

I'm age 64, an engineering consultant, and I use XP-Pro-SP3. All of my old-old software (Office 2000, Photoshop CS3, CadLite, etc.) all work fine on XP. All of my old-old printers and other periperhals are just fine, thank you.

It's taken me 10 years to self-train and master every subtle detail and nuance of XP, and I don't want to change.

I want to make what I've got work safely and productively for another 2 or 3 years.

I'm not alone in this, and many old timers want to stay with XP.

My question - - This certainly looks like a business opportunity, and I'm surprised that there is not an "XP-Forever" suite of software for sale someplace within the mainstream world of add-on software.

I have read that this French company - - "arkoon" "dot" "net" - - sells something called "ExtendedXP" - - You pay, you sign up, and you get a daily dose of replacement patches similar to Windows Essentials upgrades. However, I have written to them, and they are too busy setting up major XP corporate clients... too busy to accept one small office like mine, which has 5 XP machines.

So, I'm looking for some suggestions - - is anyone planning to support the "after-end-of-life" XP market?


if you plan to use the internet, then you need to work in a sandbox situation, look up sandboxie on google for various sandbox programs, you should also switch browsers to firefox and chrome. good luck :)
don't worry i still using xp today but you really need some serious back-ups for your pc because hackers will attack you.
well i'm 12 yrs. old and yeah no offence i like old guys ok

and yeah you will need firewall(not windows firewall okay)
i'm using comodo firewall and avira free antivirus to protect my pc
but sometimes avira and comodo fighting and doesn't protest your pc - sometimes it happens but i need to disable internet protection on my avira so it won't make fight in my new firewall

well that is all i know

I'm in a similar situation, except I'm only 63. :D My setup includes XP Pro SP3, Office 2000, AutoCAD 2002 and VS 2000. I even use SourceSafe 6.0.

I actually tried both the newer versions when I went 64-bit. Windows 7 is almost usable but causes a lot of problems with the software I use. I installed Windows 8 64 bit and ran it for 3 days before formatting the hard drive and shredding the DVD. Windows 8 is NOT an operating system.

The same thing has already happened with Visual Basic 6.0. No Support. No effort to change it into the package it should have been from the start.

The problem is the same with XP and VB. Mickeysoft won't release, or sell the source code. That makes it pretty much impossible for anyone to take them over and maintain them. It's a financial decision.

Mickeysoft got rich by releasing new versions of their OS as often as possible. In the beginning there were usually enough useful new features to make up-grading a no-brainer, but the latest stuff is just junk. Some people actually like Windows 8, but it doesn't do anything that I need done, and makes it impossible to use the development tools that I am familiar with.

The Visual Basic community has even gone as far as setting up an open petition on the Mickeysoft site asking that they finish the development of Visual Basic and resume the support, but I don't think they even have 10,000 signatures yet. I'm not sure it would make a difference if they had 10 million.

It seems that Mickeysoft has a vision of how programming should be done and Visual Basic, even as slack as it is, is too strict to attract a lot of the new 'programmers'.

I've had the same issue with Mickeysoft since I built my first computer, in 1987. I don't want someone else to control how I use my computer, especially if their 'vision' isn't the same as mine.

Basically, when I heard that Mickeysoft was going to stop supporting XP, I started looking for another operating system. Let's face it, the *NIX people are never going to get it together. If you are a masochist *NIX is a good OS, but I'd prefer an OS that isn't half bleeding edge while the other half is a historical artifact.

If I were younger, I would be taking a close look at Mac OS X, even though it is *NIX based. Macintosh at least knows a little about supporting a commercial product. As it is, I hope I die before XP stops working.
I'm half your age as I'm 34 at the moment, I don't see anything wrong if we will use XP and all the old programs installed on the machine. One thing I do to keep this installation safe is to use LINUX whenever I connect the machine to the Internet. I'm using PUPPY linux on a CD, the safest way to go to the internet with bugging the installation. I just boot with the CD and unmount all the drives used by windows xp. In this way I'm safe from all the virus infection on the web and if you turn of the machine all the files in the memory will be erased and machine get back to the same stage where you shutdown the PC. Due to financial reasons, I don't know when will I be able to change my old Pentium 4 machine into a better one. I'm contented with all the processing so far. No worries at all and I can still use the machine for another 5 years!!!
Actually Microsoft under Bill Gates made a lot of genial software. I would mention Visual Basic (including VB6, VBScript and VBA), Excel, Windows 95, Windows 2000 and Windows CE.

Unfortunately, when Ballmer came to lead and Gates retired he scrapped a lot of what was done.

Regarding your question, it is unclear what do you want. You can continue using Windows XP but for security reasons I would recommend to disable the server service, install a security suite (like that from Agintum) and use an up-to-date browser, such as Firefox.
Windows 10 is virtually unusable on anything that doesn't have a quad-core processor and 8GB+ of RAM. I've tried installing/using it on a few of the machines I own--I went back running to WinXP. Win10 was slow as molasses out of the box, and even after going to astonishing lengths to turn off all the built-in telemetry garbage & apply every tweak I know of for making it run faster it still couldn't compete with XP on the same hardware as far as speed (and that's before I've applied all the tweaks I normally use on a fresh installation). There are also issues as far as compatibility with older programs--those issues don't ever happen in XP.

If it is true that Win10 is going to be the last version of Windows, to say the least they're definitely going out on a bad note with it. Some say a program is only as good as its most recent version...if that rings true for operating systems too, this will do Windows' historical status/legacy no favors. I will be sticking with XP indefinitely, and have no plans to migrate to another OS anytime soon.
People need to remember that the more human readable(aka bloatware) the software is the slower it is going to run in a machine. It is counter productive to buy so called newer "faster" PC when you are going to use a more bloated OS which will neglect any speed improvements. If you really want a faster PC, get a new PC and stick with an older OS ! Windows XP takes up around 5GB(yes, this is even huge to us old timers !) of HDD space whereas Windows 7 and Windows 10 take around 20-22GB of HDD space there is no way in hell these newer bloated OS will perform four times better than XP !
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Windows 10 is virtually unusable on anything that doesn't have a quad-core processor and 8GB+ of RAM. I've tried installing/using it on a few of the machines I own--I went back running to WinXP. Win10 was slow as molasses out of the box, and even after going to astonishing lengths to turn off all the built-in telemetry garbage & apply every tweak I know of for making it run faster it still couldn't compete with XP on the same hardware as far as speed (and that's before I've applied all the tweaks I normally use on a fresh installation). There are also issues as far as compatibility with older programs--those issues don't ever happen in XP.

If it is true that Win10 is going to be the last version of Windows, to say the least they're definitely going out on a bad note with it. Some say a program is only as good as its most recent version...if that rings true for operating systems too, this will do Windows' historical status/legacy no favors. I will be sticking with XP indefinitely, and have no plans to migrate to another OS anytime soon.

I doubt it will be the last version of Windows or else Mikeysoft can pack up it's bag and go home. That being said the trend now is on inexpensive sub $100 SoC computing devices similar to your Chromebook, tablet or smartphone where the OS is flashed onto the Chipset/CPU/GPU and the consumer simply buys a new device with new hardware and OS every 3-5 years since it is so inexpensive. MikeySoft and Intel knows the writing is on the wall !

MS and Intel play the same game, that is one end game with all code running on their protected hardware and software. The last gen chips already have a black hole and the next ones will be even worse, that coupled with a 20gb os with just about every metric waiting to exploited.
The people who own windows now are not pioneers in computer development, they are data miners, and they have done a great job "Grooming Their Victims" just as a pedophile does, but windows strives to give you digital Stockholm syndrome and numb to being molested.

your life is your life, don't let the "Holy Light" of that get clubbed into dark submission by perverts, now our children have been raised up in captivity and Personal space Servitude by these mongrels who like Lewis Carrol, was great at math, but asked Alice to marry him when she was only 10.

He spent his life under house arrest, taught school and became famious,
cause folks love a idol.
those are facts not analysis
ha ha "lock her up" I would say your a kettle calling the pot black
with a avatar like that.

Those may be facts but you're rambling on about nonsense and trying to make a link between microsoft and child grooming in a computer forum.
If you really want a faster PC, get a new PC and stick with an older OS !

Amen to this! It stands to reason that you will get the best possible performance out of any given system when you use the OS it originally shipped with or an older one, &/or max out the specs as much as you can. XP was optimized to work well on older processors & runs like lightning on newer.
Those may be facts but you're rambling on about nonsense and trying to make a link between Microsoft and child grooming in a computer forum.

Locker, as i recall this post is about changes in computer culture getting out of hand :eek:

The invasiveness of computer culture :eek: has been grooming folks for years to get snugly and warm with the idea that our private space will not bruise
if secretly viewed by others without our permission,
it does bruise and the personality deficient
shows deeply in the way culture has tumbled down hill in human sensitivity since 1994.

People have lost a chunk of their rights to privacy, windows 10 has been reviewed a million times as the most invasive device ever created, it sends every dam thing you do to post gates MS

people had to be groomed to accept that :eek::eek::eek: and look at them, many lost their depth
and serenity to splash Kardasion superficiality all over their life.

if in 1970 you told someone you would give them a tool in the home that would track and produce a personality profile of them produced by :eek: most often anti social autistic persons, access porn, steal their money, and give them acute insomnia
you would get a gun in your face.

now its called kit Kat or lolly pop, and can take pictures of you nude when you don't even notice, my point is not "Off Topic" protective of others rights and
again a fact.

For me, the reward is worthless compared to the consequence.

Humans are divine, and must be shown divine respect and boundaries
something digital barbarians would deny us.

Plus it shows the breeding of a caring person.

So lets agree to disagree :cool:

And thanks for sharing, as i enjoy others opinions,
a man who never entertains others opinions,
becomes like a pond of stagnant water and grows amoeba's of the mind.
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