Windows not start and can't re-install windows because language unreadable

When windows start it goes to a black screen and after a few minutes re-starts. When I go to f8 the language is unreadable as well as when I try to format with the CD the letters are all mixed up and cannot read. I can start in safe mode and tried system restore but did not work.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is this some kind of virus and what can I do?
you say you tried to format with cd, have you gotten your data off the drive?

to format you have to get into the Bios and change the boot sequence to boot to a cdrom first

and you will get a black screen that says press any key to boot to cd.


if you can start in safe mode run checkdisk with the /r parameter, it will have to be run at least twice until no errors are found

if you do not have Recovery Console installed, then run from the start menu

go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r and press enter

type Y for yes and press enter

type exit and press enter

restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish and run again

depending on your harddrive size it will be a lengthy process allow to finish and run again as stated above, this may fix the problem.

When I boot with the CD it boots and what should say press any key is scrambled. I pressed it and the menu is scrambled and unreadable. I do not have the scrambled letters when I boot to Safe Mode. I ran the checkdisk from safe mode and now can get the welcome screen then hangs and re-starts.
how many times did you run checkdisk? run at least twice, you can see the report of checkdisk in event viewer, applications, Winlogon
I ran the checkdisk a few times but did not help. A little background. The problem started when I was using the computer I stayed away for a bit and went into screensaver mode and when I tried to go back it was stuck at this mode until I turned it off. When I restarted, it went to a black screen and after a few minutes would re-start.
I pressed f8 and was not able to read anything as the letters ( in English as English is the language for the operating system) were all mixed up and did not make any sense. I thought it must be a virus so tried to re-install with the CD (English) and the same mixed up letters appeared with what should have said press any key. The letters were all jumbled and unreadable when I pressed f8. I managed to get into safe mode by finding a screenshot of the page in a book and figured out where safe mode should be as it was unreadable . In safe mode everything was normal.When re-starting normal the same black screen appeared. When I go to BIOS the language is normal.

This is what I see when I pres f8

wij'ows adranca' oppiojs majo
plaase selact aj oppioj:
saba mk'e This is safe mode command
saba'e sith jetskrk jg

Thanks for all your help and kindness
can you get to safe mode with networking, ??

if it is readable, you can uninstall your video driver, and reinstall.

if you cannot, it can be done from safe mode, you will just have to download to a flash drive from a working pc, and then carry over to the afflicted pc.

what is the Make, Model, and Model number of pc??

there is something loading in normal mode that is causing this, windows uses a generic display while in safe mode.
The computer is Asus laptop Model A8Jn16DSM100td

Could you please explain the steps to uninstall the video driver, and reinstall. I can access everything through safe mode so is this done from device manager and could you please explain the steps from the device manager.
After running check disk a few times as suggested It attempts to load to desktop and goes in and out of a black screen but not fully loads and after a few minutes re-starts again.Thanks again for your help
ASUS is the make, the other number is a serial number, I need the model and model number

for example I have a Dell , Dimension, 3000

these are the steps to uninstall a video driver:

in device manager , on the right hand side , click the plus sign next to display adaptors, make sure you write the name down and other info, you would then right click on this and choose uninstall.

you can also choose properties, which tell more info

after uninstall if you had your adaptor on a flash drive you could reinstall it.

or you could see if you can now boot into normal mode, if the display is vga then it will be really large, just like safe mode.

if you do boot into normal and everything is okay, you could search here:

which is the driver download page for ASUS, post back after uninstalling driver with what is happening now.
The laptop is Asud model A8Jn with Nivida Ge Force Go 7300
I uninstalled the driver and when restarted the display is vga and it is really large, just like safe mode as you said. I tried to install the original driver and it went back again to the black screen.
Downloaded the driver from the Asus website and the first time it didn't install and the second time went back to black screen . I may have done something wrong.
Do I install from the update or another method?
The only thing I installed before this occurred was avast antivirus and personal firewall.
Yes, after uninstalling the driver in normal mode, display is clear, just large and starts normally. After downloading and installing the driver it hangs halfway through and goes back to the same problem. I tried installing in safe mode and it will complete the installation but when restart it goes back to the same problem.
In device manager there are no yellow exclamation points. Thanks again for your help
The only thing I installed before this occurred was avast antivirus and personal firewall.
Yes, after uninstalling the driver in normal mode, display is clear, just large and starts normally. After downloading and installing the driver it hangs halfway through and goes back to the same problem. I tried installing in safe mode and it will complete the installation but when restart it goes back to the same problem.
In device manager there are no yellow exclamation points. Thanks again for your help

The only thing I installed before this occurred was avast antivirus and personal firewall.
Yes, after uninstalling the driver in normal mode, display is clear, just large and starts normally. After downloading and installing the driver it hangs halfway through and goes back to the same problem. I tried installing in safe mode and it will complete the installation but when restart it goes back to the same problem.
In device manager there are no yellow exclamation points. Thanks again for your help
did you disable windows firewall??

cannot have two firewalls, first disable avast firewall and see if problem goes away, if it does then there may be a setting within the avast firewall program that you will have to change

if it does not go away make sure that windows firewall is off.

I turned off both the firewall and antivirus but still cannot install the driver. I did notice when I uninstalled the driver that in Network Adapters there are 2 unknown devices with yellow exclamation points.
Network adaptors?? that is your internet connection,, I thought it was your display you were having problems with??

can you connect to the internet?? how about in safe mode with networking??

at the site above you can contact ASus.

is the driver on your desktop??

right click choose properties, if there is a unblock button, unblock and then attempt to install, you should only have to double click on it to open and for setup to initiate.
I see now the network adapter is not related. It is to update a vpn program.
Now I am back to the problem of not being able to properly install the driver.After uninstalling the driver it starts and functions properly but large icons as you said ,When installing the driver it hangs and goes to a black screen and restarts itself.
I want you to uninstall the personal firewall and avast antivirus, if you do then from a working pc, download the avast and personal firewall and save them to a flash drive from a working pc,

Also insure to run scans on that flash drive from the working pc,

if the avast is the free version you might want to download MSE instead
MSE Download
MSE installation checklist

and if you do make sure to read the installation checklist first.

after uninstall make sure you are disconnected from the internet,

and now see if the driver will install and the display work correctly