But was just informed she is just a wonderfully helpful member

does anyone know-

1. who bought the program for the forum , and who is this person

2. How the forum pays for it self
I'm curious too.
It's quite natural that people with a common goal (in this case keeping XP alive and kicking) gather together and join efforts to face the common problems.
Yet setting up and maintaining a forum costs dear money, and someone has to put it up front.
Who should we thank?
Why thank you Elizabeth for this information and for your excellent work, and thanks a lot Jan for keeping this forum alive!
Maybe due to my hardly earned ad-blindness I haven't spotted a single ad in here, which is definitely exceptional.
But I haven't even seen a "Donate" button, that would allow us users not just to contribute occasionally to your efforts, but also to confirm you that your work and dedication are appreciated. Not that I have any big money to spare (never met anyone who did:)), but still buying you a coffee or a beer every now and then would make me feel less of a parasite...
I had a friend who bought a sports forum and ran for his life when he saw how much work it was, this, XP being a sunset machine, makes one wonder what kind of labor of love he had in mind, I will invite him here.

I left Ian a message to visit here.

My friend really had to let go of his forum purchase, Can't remember the name but it was
no small amount of work.
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Yep, it's me that runs the forum - I just wanted to make sure there was a place that people still running XP could get technical support :). I really enjoy running forums, and although it costs money I thought it was important there was still somewhere to get help. @Elizabeth23 has been such a huge help at answering so many questions from members over the years :)
Thank you very much for your efforts in keeping this forum afloat, Ian! It is wonderful to have a resource like this for those who have enjoyed XP for 15+ years (like me) and those who have become frustrated with bloated modern versions of Windows & want to go back to the last truly great version. (Vista/7, to a lesser degree, are still good; 8 was when things really started to get bad.)
Yep, it's me that runs the forum - I just wanted to make sure there was a place that people still running XP could get technical support

So, like your a rich humanitarian,
Gee thats so darn very pleasant, :)
guess your not from this planet, such humanitarianism is not the norm.

What do you do 9 - 5, if i may ask,
and why only 25 posts for this work you love so much, :rolleyes:

Love and kisses
The Curious Pig
Not that I have any big money to spare (never met anyone who did:)), but still buying you a coffee or a beer every now and then would make me feel less of a parasite..

Chiron, you don't act like a normal rough house Sagittarius, your prodding is most gentle, :rolleyes:

The Pig Has Left The Building
for a bar.
So, like your a rich humanitarian,
Gee thats so darn very pleasant, :)
guess your not from this planet, such humanitarianism is not the norm.

What do you do 9 - 5, if i may ask,
and why only 25 posts for this work you love so much, :rolleyes:

I don't use Windows XP anymore myself and it's been a long time since I have, so I'm not much use answering questions as it's so unfamiliar to me now - however I do enjoy providing a place for XP discussion :). I run a computing / engineering company for my job, so I spend a lot of my day in the workshop building things :D.
Why thank you Elizabeth for this information and for your excellent work, and thanks a lot Jan for keeping this forum alive!
Maybe due to my hardly earned ad-blindness I haven't spotted a single ad in here, which is definitely exceptional.
But I haven't even seen a "Donate" button, that would allow us users not just to contribute occasionally to your efforts, but also to confirm you that your work and dedication are appreciated. Not that I have any big money to spare (never met anyone who did:)), but still buying you a coffee or a beer every now and then would make me feel less of a parasite...
I'd second this. After wasting my money donating to that horrid bleepingcomputer (and their anti-XP attitude) it would be nice to support something actually worth supporting.
There are still quite a few, as far as I know, who use Windows 2000. 98SE/ME's userbases are dwindling, mainly because the 9x series is long deprecated as far as usability for modern-day web browsing. Unless a miracle happens and a powerful browser emerges with technical capabilities similar to what Pale Moon still makes possible in XP, the number of people still using 98SE/ME will keep dwindling. Besides the fact that it just *works* (and works GREAT), that's one of the reasons I'm still using XP--it is fully capable for today's Internet.
thank you for this information

What information???
no one has said anything that has substance so far, :confused:
you must be a Sagittarius , they are easily taken, I used to be a sag too,

then i stopped drugging my self with "Feel Good" suicidal optimism, cause it almost got me killed.

now every body pays real rent to be near me, or they get evicted, I wanna be buried in the cematary when i die, not a unmarked grave in the woods.

now i am no longer fatigued from being so dam afraid of myself :D:D:D:D,
oh what a liberating experience :D:D:D:D I can trust my self not to kill my my self.
So few can make that claim, just read the papers, :eek::eek::eek:


:D gotta go feed the squirrels, have a good one.
PS I stole your thumb

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