What's your favorite OS other than XP?

The title is what it says. It also includes ANY OS that has ever existed and you have ever seen/tried and state why (if you want).

Mine would be MS-DOS.
I need no explanation because it's obvious why I chose it. Just look at what it did to computers!
I started with Ubuntu 8.??. Liked the gui. At about 12.x radical change of gui, hated it, Supposed to be able to revert to 'classic' style, I could never change it. I still use the last (11.xx) version with the 2 [top & bottom] 'hideable' info/task bars. NO A/V, , ,
Linix Mint (Cinnamon)

I used SuSE for many years, Up to release no 10 or 11. Switched to Mint, to take advantage of long term maintenance editions, so that I did not have to renew so frequently.

However now that the Gecko versions of SuSE are available, with continuous rolling update, I shall evaluate with a view to switching back. I have delayed doing so for over a year, to allow the initial tweaking of issues which might have been experienced therein.
ps My original reason for choosing SuSE, was that way back long ago, it famously came with "The most comprehensive documentation of ANY operating system".
ps My original reason for choosing SuSE, was that way back long ago, it famously came with "The most comprehensive documentation of ANY operating system".
What, even better than the one that Commodore 64s came with?
Technically, it is OS documentation because it included all the information of basic and whatnot.
Well I loved Windows 2000 and Windows XP x64 Edition (although they're very close cousins)

I really am liking Windows 8 RTM. Use it with Server 2012 updates and you're patched. Classic Shell brings back the start menu, and it's faster than Windows 7 even. And since it's off Microsoft's radar, there's no added telemetry, but it's compatible with new applications.

Plus Metro can be COMPLETELY hidden.
Puppy Linux!

Because it'll run on literally ANYTHING; even hardware that can't handle XP. (Now THAT'S gonna be old, yeah?)

You can use Pup for all your internet stuff (anyone with a grain of sense, even XP fanbois, knows in their heart of hearts that XP is inherently insecure on the big, bad 'net these days.....and the list of browsers that'll work with it is shrinking, daily).....and you can still run XP for dedicated, specialist programs that don't need an internet connection.

That'll give you the best of BOTH worlds. Just a suggestion, mind.....

Mike. ;)
My issues with all of them is these new os's gui's are so radically different,
They cant make 8 -10 etc look like XP? Or just wont.

Ubuntu et al have done the exact same thing, some flavors of 'em even worse, , , ,

The title is what it says. It also includes ANY OS that has ever existed and you have ever seen/tried and state why (if you want).

Mine would be MS-DOS.
I need no explanation because it's obvious why I chose it. Just look at what it did to computers!

I have been messing with Puppy Linux off and on for awhile now, and will continue to do so, because I view Linux as a necessary 'Plan B', but its a chore, and not a joy. There are two others I have also been fooling around with that I do consider fun. These are Icaros Desktop 2.2.1 and KolibriOS 19May2017. Its too early to tell which (if either) I would call "favorite", but have to admit I look forward to our sessions.
I have (since my previous post) now focused on XP Pro as my primary OS, and MX Linux 17.1 as secondary, though I use both pretty much equally. I briefly tried the latest Linux Mint, but it was no competition to MX Linux....no video would work without update, updating was a chore, and even after all that, only youtube videos would play. Linux Mint forum says it would be different if I installed it, but that will not happen. I test drive via LiveCD to determine what moves on to installation. MX Linux is ready to go from the start as LiveCD, so it will be installed on the secondary HDD of my Optiplex, and if it works as well as it has in LiveCD mode, will move on to my custom-build when finished. So I'm now using XP Pro and MX Linux exclusively, and happy with both.
There is no OS that I like as much as XP. So, I have no other favourite. I have enough up to date hardware to move on to any other OS available today, but I am very comfortable using XP for all purposes, including internet, and have no intention of giving it up :cool: That means I'll be here with you guys in this forum forever :D
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There is no OS that I like as much as XP. So, I have no other favourite. I have enough up to date hardware to move on to any other OS available today, but I am very comfortable using XP for all purposes, including internet, and have no intention of giving it up :cool: That means I'll be here with you guys in this forum forever :D
I'l be honest.as much as i like Windows 2000 i find XP is better.Windows 2000 looks soo ancient.XP looks new everyday :p
I'l be honest.as much as i like Windows 2000 i find XP is better.Windows 2000 looks soo ancient.XP looks new everyday :p

Sorry, but Windows XP is starting to look archaic. When I look at my Windows 8 desktop, it's so sleek. Anf Firefox Quantum looks awesome with it.
New Windows 8.jpg
I have to say, your Windows 8 installation does look pretty sleek! To each their own...you've done a damn good job customizing your desktop! If you're willing to share some of your tips/tricks, I certainly wouldn't be opposed.

My favorite OSes other than XP are Windows 98SE, NT 4.0, and 2000. I love their vintage feel, as well as how lightweight they are in terms of resource consumption (just a CD-ROM is enough to hold them--OSes these days clock in at 1GB+!)
Windows Vista SP1+ and Windows 8 were nice. I never really "got" 7 as more than a benefit for Microsoft to make themselves look good despite them fixing up Vista after the RTM.

Windows 8 might have been the start of the downfall to many but at least it was lightweight compared to that hog of an OS that is 10!

Also JodyT, that 8 install looks amazing :D (and I'm with you on TVs. modern ones don't even have component or SCART out in the UK...)