usb and lan drivers for intel d865glc

Had this old PC gathering dust so i decided to format and reinstall xp on it. That worked well and now I'm trying to get the drivers but they aren't working. Audio and video drivers worked but the USB driver says this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. The lan driver starts and when it is almost finished it freezes for a bit and then it crashes and says windows has shut down to protect itself.

Here is where I got the drivers from the Intel website. If you Google Intel d865glc drivers look at the first result and choose the option for xp pro and there is chip set inf utility for USB drivers and Intel pro network connections for lan.

Sorry that I can't post link its because I'm new to these forums and I need 5 or more posts apparently

If anyone can help me out thanks

go here and input the express service code and the drivers you need will be there, there is a strict order to install dell drivers and you might need to reinstall all:


Desktop System Software or Notebook System Software
Chipset or SMBus driver
Processor Driver (if applicable)
Audio (sound)
Input Drivers (keyboard/mouse)
Network Card

the first two must be in order!! the rest does not really matter.

you cannot get the dell driver from intel, even if it is an intel, intel will usually tell you that you have to get it from dell as they add something to it.

do not accept any hardware updates from microsoft updates, ever.
my pc is not a dell it is a optima workpro 4c
i have also searched the pc model for drivers and nothing so far i am going to keep trying though
when i try to run the setup files 32 and 64 bit they both say program is not properly installed please re install program and then run it but thats all i get in the download any ideas???
I could only find a manual online for Workpro KBX and X561

are you sure of the model?

I do not know where I got that you had a dell, sorry, :)

If you have sata drives you have two choices, because xp does not install on sata

1. get the sata drivers and install on a floppy disk, yes a floppy, xp will only accept floppy disks during setup to install mass storage controllers at the F6 step for raid installation.

2. you can go into bios and switch setup to ACHI, for ide channels.

If you are talking about your OS installation cd and not some other program cd??
my install cd is a retail version windows xp professional

and i am using ide drives, the setup is set to achi i beleive, will check in a second.
I have searched around and found out that Optima went bust several years back.

so your best bet for drivers is to go to one of these driver identifier sites and get the drivers from them, I have seen on google that there are several offering a driver package for optima, just type in Optima Workpro 4c drivers and you will get a lot of hits, but I cannot vouch for any of them and most are not free.

also, which os is install? home, professional or media center edition?
professional is currently installed

what i am thinking at the moment is running ubuntu linux on it maybe, do you know if that comes with some sort of drivers pre installed?
saw you had xp pro, went to intel, you would only install the intel pro if that is indeed what is integrated onto your board, what does device manager say?
I am pretty sure that it will have some generic drivers installed but there is not a generic ethernet controller, ubuntu is just an OS, you still need drivers for your specific hardware.

even without installing any drivers on my pc, I can install my OS, but unless I install the rest of the drivers, I would have no audio, no internet, my screen would display at 800x600 resolution.

still down to this, download the intel pro and the next two in line the .inf and the graphics driver. If you can get the pc on line then you can run some checks to see exactly what is installed by using Belarc Advisor, (it's free) will run down your whole system.
yes i can boot up, run windows, use it like normal besides the USB and LAN

and i have found a network card that i just put in and it is detected about to install drivers for it
if windows crashed installing the lan then that is the wrong driver. Windows lets you know if the driver is incorrect by crashing or telling you that it is not supported.
If you right click on My computer, on the general tab where your OS is shown, then if it does not say x64 anywhere, then you have a 32bit.

yes, you do
finally the LAN works i was able to access my router's network setup vie I.E. using the ip of the router

just the usb now?
frustrating but at least i am making some progress