Serpent Web Browser

Hello all,

I've tried to download and unzip Serpent but haven't been successful. I keep getting errors when I try to unzip (un-7z it). I don't know if I have a bad download or the wrong 7z program. Could someone give me a good current link for Serpent55 and tell me which unzip program (version also) you used to successfully unzip the Serpent download.

Now that I have D/L and extracted Basilisk55, what is the best, correct method to import all settings, bookmarks, etc from my previous (still installed) version?

Bobah1, thanks for the link. That was the second download I tried a while ago. The first one, listed at the beginning of this thread ( was the one I had trouble unzipping. When I tried the second one (the one you linked to) I seem to have it unzipped correctly but having no instructions I ended up running basilisk.exe which produced the error message that basilisk.exe "is not a valid win32 application".

That's as far as I've gone. I can't try the first version until I know exactly what to unzip it with, and I wasn't even sure that basilisk.exe was the correct file to run. But I didn't see a setup.exe file so I tried it. I'm not even sure that the unzip(on the 2nd download) was completed properly. If you or anyone could give me instructions for installing this, I'd really appreciate it.
If you or anyone could give me instructions for installing this, I'd really appreciate it.
You will need 7Zip to extract files from a .7z archive file. D/L the program from here:

Extract Basilisk files into a separate directory. With Basilisk55 the contents should be 87 files / 10 folders. There is no setup program.... it's a stand alone browser.

Run Basilisk.exe

Good Day,
I counted 7 primary folders, and 4 sub or sub-sub folders. And 79 files included in all the folders I mentioned. I'll try unzipping again...

I downloaded 7Zip again and after unzipping this time I ended up with 11 folders(including Uninstall) and 87 files. Running basilink.exe started Serpent up normally, it feels like a very quick browser. So my problem was in the unzipping.

Thanks again for the help.


You will need 7Zip to extract files from a .7z archive file. D/L the program from here:

Extract Basilisk files into a separate directory. With Basilisk55 the contents should be 87 files / 10 folders. There is no setup program.... it's a stand alone browser.

Run Basilisk.exe

Good Day,
Yes, my previous test result was from Firefox version 52.90. I thought your previous message meant Firefox.

Just now I tested it on Serpent 2019.10.25 and whatismybrowser does show as Windows 10 but that firefox addon link does complain it as 52.90 (I think it depends on which addon?). I use Serpent, mypal and Firefox frequently. However, I didn't use the firefox addons for Serpent so didn't know about the problem. I use the addons from palemoon or

However, when I visited
It didn't complain it wasn't Windows 10
Can you try the above link ? If you still have whatismybrowser as 52.90, maybe worth you checking if there is any typo in about:config I mean the useragent.

PS I use Serpent because it's the only one that can play the video clips at the BBC site. I still have no idea why.

Just so you know, my Mypal (spoofed as Win10, FF69) plays the BBC videos.
Right now, there are some issues with (both) Serpent 52 and 55 (when updating), so I would strongly recommend for folks to backup your current profile and settings and prefs just in case the next update breaks something on you. Honestly, I'm struggling to keep up myself with all the changes, because, of course, the newest Basilisk (now abandoned) was only 64 bit and not available for XP ... sort of makes your head spin. That happened to me once and I vomited up pea green soup ... kidding; or am I?!:eek:
If anyone is wondering why their Serpent/basilisk.exe file or the Desktop shortcut to this file keeps disappearing with a missing shortcut error etc, and you are using Avast antivirus, it's because Avast is for some reason seeing it as a threat. It gets deleted and moved to the Virus Chest.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the file, as I have downloaded the new updates many times from RT's Free Soft page, completely deleted the old folder for basilisk and copied the new folder. This has occurred a few times over the last two months or so.
my antivirus 360 total security also said my shortcut was an error, but it lets me choose to ignore the warning and keep my shortcut, it only warns once. :)
look at the options and see if it will let you choose to ignore the warning.
Hello and nice day all :)

This also happens with McAfee and Norton - they (both) treat that shortcut and executable as infected and try to delete, this was also happening to new moon but its been quite some time since I've even used that browser that I can't recall. Like Elizabeth wrote: we need to find a way to put it on the safe list or configure our security scanner(s) to avoid the directory and shortcuts (I like to have custom shortcuts that would seem odd to scanners). For the record, this doesn't happen with any of the malwarebytes security software I use (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware / Malwarebytes ADWCleaner V / Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit)

That being said, I think that fact that some security software detects something (could be) wrong with those shortcuts does mean their doing their job, jut a bit overzealous in their detection.
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Hello and nice day all :)

This also happens with McAfee and Norton - they (both) treat that shortcut and executable as infected and try to delete, this was also happening to new moon but its been quite some time since I've even used that browser that I can't recall. Like Elizabeth wrote: we need to find a way to put it on the safe list or configure our security scanner(s) to avoid the directory and shortcuts (I like to have custom shortcuts that would seem odd to scanners). For the record, this doesn't happen with any of the malwarebytes security software I use (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware / Malwarebytes ADWCleaner V / Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit)

That being said, I think that fact that some security software detects something (could be) wrong with those shortcuts does mean their doing their job, jut a bit overzealous in their detection.

I've been using Avast in Silent Mode ever since I first installed it, many years ago, so was unaware why my shortcut and the .exe file were disappearing over the last few months. I've now turned Silent Mode off so hopefully I will see Avast give me an option not to move it to Virus Chest.
Just so you know, my Mypal (spoofed as Win10, FF69) plays the BBC videos.
I'm currently on:
Version 52.9.0 (32-bit)
Build ID 20220617032904

I find:
user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0");
user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "91");
user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win32; x86; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0");

...will play just about everything without any issues :)
I'm currently on:
Version 52.9.0 (32-bit)
Build ID 20220617032904

I find:
user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0");
user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "91");
user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win32; x86; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0");

...will play just about everything without any issues :)
Ugh ... that day has come a tad early and I'm finding this to work better.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win32; x86; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0

I'm noticing a bit less lag, but overall some sites still won't load and Win32; x86 will also become an issue as time goes by :-(