Port 80 problem?!

Resurrecting an old tower which had/has XP. I could pull up MSN/Bing but not go anywhere else. After searching alot on my PC found a bunch of things to try but they didn't work. I got frustrated and since this was just a project machine and I didn't need any files, I did a complete reformat and reinstall of XP. This didn't fix the issue. I have tried almost everything I can find no matter how basic or seemingly complicated I could find on google searches related to it.

Well first since its a reformat and reinstall there are no anti virus or firewalls to turn off except the windows version, which is off.
Lan settings are correct with no proxy server box checked.
I have run many of the cmd functions like flushdns, the winsock ones, sfc /scannow, etc.
I have checked regedit for a few suggestions most of which weren't even there.
I have cleared all cookies, files, etc from ie...but there really shouldn't be any there anyway.
I have run hijackthis with nothing abnormal found that I can tell.
Drivers in Device manager show ok.
Ive tried to bring in a program to double check my drivers but it won't run on the system for some reason.

Its straight up XP no service packs as I can't get online to do the updates.

Everything points to port 80 being blocked somehow, but just can't figure it out. Im sure you folks will need more info that my brain is to frazzled to think of right now. Any help is appreciated.

above are service packs for xp, courtesy of Mike_Walsh

NOTE: DO Not go online until service packs and ie8 and antivirus are installed.!

download all to a flash drive and then carry to the xp pc

1. need either service pack 1 OR service pack 2 installed THEN service pack 3
2. if 64bit then you just need sp1 and 2, 32 bit needs 3
3. microsoft updates will not work without ie8 and service pack 3
4. HERE is my onedrive, download installer 4.5 (latest installer for xp)
5. also download IE8 ( IE8-WIndows XP-x86-ENU.exe, 16.1MB)
6. you can also download all the updates I have in the above public file and install
7. go HERE for an antivirus, the bitdefender database is included in the full offline install package, the avira database can be downloaded separately from the little green box to the right of the webpage. This is total security ESSENTIAL, there is a total security download from the same company Qihoo that has several tools for cleanup and updating if you want that one instead, I like to do all this by myself, :)
8. Install all above, rebooting as necessary, and then run an antivirus full scan, all still before going online.
9. then go to start/ all programs/ and then click on windows updates, this should carry you to windows update and you will be asked to install active x and update to microsoft updates, do all this and let it scan, there will be a few that have to be installed first and then scan again , I always use custom scan as that way I can choose which installs I want with the option to decline the update even if it is a high priority, such as the one to tell me that xp is out of date!


am not sure about the port 80 but see if it clears after all the above has been accomplished, and if you want another antivirus after you get through getting updated, then just uninstall 360 (offline) and install your choice (offline.)
Thank you for the quick and detailed response. I have downloaded all the SP's and installer and working on installing them. I see on your onedrive there are many ie8 files do I need to download all of them?
the main ie8 is 16.1 MB , listed as: IE8-WIndows XP-x86-ENU.exe

all the rest that say IE8 are updates that you can install before going to updates or after you have installed ie8, I like to install them before going to get updated, :)
Thank you. So after all that, the only thing that has changed is that windows updates now functions and with the updated IE it actually tells me that there is an issue with ports 80, 443, and the ftp one, 120? or something like that, when I run diagnostics. The message claimed it was probably something in the firewall, which I turned off again. So unless that 360 program you had me download also has a firewall setting, I don't see how that could be the issue. I will double check all the base settings in case updates turned something on but I doubt that happened.
Ok so even though I had firewall turned off....there was another section deeper in that had the lan setup to get basically nothing. I clicked the boxes and Im off to the races. I can't believe it was this hard to find this or that I missed it earlier. Thanks so much though for everything else as it made the updates much easier!!!!!!