New Mypal 68 release

I went and had a look, but could only find 2 source code zips.

Saying that, the "about" of this mypal browser says 68.13.0b

did it auto update?

I still need to use mypal 23.3.0, if I want to see any video
I just downloaded and tested - seems to work better than previous versions due to javascript engine being updated to 78. Bitchute now works in MyPal 68.


Other sites tested: Youtube, Facebook videos, ESPN videos, CNN videos.

You can install extensions from

Going to keep testing and see if I encounter any other issues.

Mypal 68.13.0b can be downloaded from here:
Right, I can see video is working on sites which I had abandoned because of problems such as youtube, which I was now using through Duckduckgo's search engine page.

The site I use the most is the BBC for weather & news, but they appear to reject video requests if the "User Agent" is set for firefox compatibility. Gekko & Native are OK.

As I can't find the User Agent setting in version 68, that's stopped the video from the BBC and necessarily using 68 daily; although I do try it when certain buttons like "place a bid" on ebay UK won't work, instead of using auctionsniper as the work around.

I have to say the options page is huge, but very little on it compared to 29.3 dialog boxes.

It seems like "win some / lose some" but I seem to lose more than we win at the moment.
Download the following addon:

Go to the extension's options menu and paste the following user agent string into the user preset field and hit 'save'.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0


If you added the user agent correctly it should appear at the bottom of the list in the extension's drop down menu.

Go to

You should see this screen:


BBC videos should now play in MyPal 68 (they wouldn't play for me either without changing the user agent).


It's sad that websites still rely on user agents rather than browser capability before serving content.

I also recommend ArcticFoxie's 360Chrome builds for XP. Try it and see if it works better for you.
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I'm glad you're keeping on top of this. I tried both the agent addon & ArcticFoxie's 360Chrome. Both worked a treat although I'm having trouble remembering which browser I'm using these days and where to find things like bookmarks/tabs etc as they are all consonantly changing, so still using 29.3 most of the time.

Today I noticed this

I tried it for a few minutes, but the tabs at the top drive me to distraction.

Do you remember firefox's mantra, something about customizing it the way YOU
wanted it to look, a bit like Microsoft in the 1990's, "all apps to look the same, making
them easier to use". Well we've certainly moved on from those halcyon days.

Can anyone send to me, or point me to, a copy of 360chrome ungoogled? All of ArticFoxie's dropbox links are offline.
Here it is:

Ungoogled Download Link with WebGL disabled --

Ungoogled Download Link with WebGL enabled --

File to extract and replace to convert Ungoogled to Regular --

File to extract and replace to convert XP Blue to Win10 Blue (this will eventuall evolve to match Win10 Dark App Mode) --

360base.dll, audiomute.dll, setdefbrowser.dll, d3dcompiler_47.dll, libegl.dll (x2), and libglesv2.dll (x2) are included by default but can be considered as "optional" depending on Operating System being used.

Note that these are not "rebased". A rebased download may become available in the future if one is still required among our userbase.

Copied from original post here:
MyPal 68 was updated recently. I downloaded and tested 68.14.0b on various video sites including Youtube, BBC, Bitchute, and CNN. All played smoothly. Even ESPN, which is unwatchable on this PC on both Thorium and Supremium played videos smoothly. Please download, test and post your findings on other video sites. MyPal 68 is my primary browser in XP and Thorium secondary.
I just downloaded the new 68 release but it will not upgrade my old release. I keep getting notices that a dll file is not available.
I just downloaded the new 68 release but it will not upgrade my old release. I keep getting notices that a dll file is not available.

I resolved the issue by re-installing version 29 in a new folder titled "MyPal68" so it did not overwrite my 29 browser. Then copied the new files over them. It worked! I now have the old and new versions.