Important Web Page Not Working

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I've got got seven XP compatible browsers:

K-Meleon Goanna
New Moon

I'm trying to schedule an appointment for the Covid Vaccine with CVS Pharmacy.
When I select the link (button) for my state it doesn't work. I tried all the browsers
listed above.

If you've got an XP compatible browser that works with this CVS web page, please
let me know. I'll download the browser immediately.
i am on mypal 28.13.1 and I got through to some pages where they started asking questions about my health and as I did not want to make an appointment, I left the site, :)
All seven browsers are the latest versions. I've got Mypal 29.1.1.

The first browser I tried was KM-Goanna. I was hoping JavaScript was disabled, when
the link for my state didn't work. No such luck. Finding a solution or workaround for this
problem is not likely.

The logical next step was visiting a CVS that's providing the vaccine. I tried to schedule
an appointment in the store. They won't or can't do it.
is your browser spoofing the header to say windows 10?

I have fixed mypal and firefox to say that the browser is using windows 10 version 88 , I did this by going to about:config and changing the general.useragent.overide to say

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88
you have to create the listing

new/string value


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/69.0

now firefox 88

Replace %OSVersion% with:

5.1 to report XP
6.0 to report Vista
6.1 to report Windows 7
6.2 to report Windows 8
6.3 to report Windows 8.1
10.0 to report Windows 10


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.4) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.4

instead use below

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:67) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67


old info:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0

spoofing web browser, general.user.override



there is a long discussion on this at the above msfn link, above is just the info I used to do my spoofing, :)
Why on earth would you want to inject yourself with some unproven unknown nonsense brought in by a global hoax. Maybe your brower is trying to tell you something.
lockherup, is that remarked to me? I go with the general.useragent.override just to negate any problems with any websites, so far I have not gotten any websites that I use routinely to not show up, :)
lockherup, is that remarked to me? I go with the general.useragent.override just to negate any problems with any websites, so far I have not gotten any websites that I use routinely to not show up, :)

No it isn't .. it's to the OP trying to book an appointment to get a covid shot, which from my research is the worst thing you can do to yourself. I was trying to say maybe the browser is actually helping him.
I agree with you on the covid shot, since covid has been around since 1975 or thereabouts, I really do not understand why the hoopla is going on. :)
No it isn't .. it's to the OP trying to book an appointment to get a covid shot, which from my research is the worst thing you can do to yourself. I was trying to say maybe the browser is actually helping him.
Looks like your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Clearly you need to do more research.

Of course it's a conspiracy because shutting down the global economy for several months benefits...well, absolutely no one but I'm sure the QAnon-leaning ilk will, as always invent something.

I do plan to get the vaccine at some point (not the J&J one), but for now I'll wait. I haven't had a flu vaccine in 25 years and haven't had need of a doctor in as many years. I'm a quinquagenarian and take no medications daily, so no, not a hypochondriac. I have several friends who have contracted this virus and were sick as dogs. I grocery shopped for them in addition to picking up/dropping off laundry. They recovered while one did not.

You can pretend all you want. This is a changed world and things are never going back to normal thanks to deniers.
I agree with you on the covid shot, since covid has been around since 1975 or thereabouts, I really do not understand why the hoopla is going on. :)

It's been around a lot longer. I think it was isolated or found around that time.. But Covid 19 is something totally different, a global hoax that is mixed up with an actual respiratory illness, which itself is bullshit and we haved lived with such things and worse forever. When you follow the science trail for covid 19 it ends in a guess, to this day nobody has isolated the supposed virus which leads to the dreaded disease but they alerady know it's giong to be around for 10 years.

In 2010 the rocky fella foundation :) leaked a document that was pretty much a prelude to CV19. It's a blue print for how to obtain global governance during a pandemic, would you believe it starts out with a virus being released from wuhan china..
Looks like your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Clearly you need to do more research.

Of course it's a conspiracy because shutting down the global economy for several months benefits...well, absolutely no one but I'm sure the QAnon-leaning ilk will, as always invent something.

I do plan to get the vaccine at some point (not the J&J one), but for now I'll wait. I haven't had a flu vaccine in 25 years and haven't had need of a doctor in as many years. I'm a quinquagenarian and take no medications daily, so no, not a hypochondriac. I have several friends who have contracted this virus and were sick as dogs. I grocery shopped for them in addition to picking up/dropping off laundry. They recovered while one did not.

You can pretend all you want. This is a changed world and things are never going back to normal thanks to deniers.

I'm not pretending anything, anyone who tries to engage in scientific technical or academic argument and brings BBC and nytimes as their full frontal assault is already a loser.. sorry I just don't have time to school every Farnham in the world. Try brushing up on your sources and I'm sure you'll find the same things I know.
I'm not pretending anything, anyone who tries to engage in scientific technical or academic argument and brings BBC and nytimes as their full frontal assault is already a loser.. sorry I just don't have time to school every Farnham in the world. Try brushing up on your sources and I'm sure you'll find the same things I know.

Hmmm – To be honest the links ClippyBeer provided, included a link to the worlds premier Peer reviewed science Journal, “Nature”. But the research can also be found in the “Lancet” and “The British Medical Journal” these can hardly be described as comics.

Regardless of how Covid 19 may, or may not be being manipulated by governments Covid 19 is a world wide killer. Most of us idiotic stupid scientists like to fall back to “Hanlon’s Razor” in the first instance; Which states - "never attribute to malice, that which is adequately explained by stupidity" when looking at governments.
To be honest here as well, I never clicked the links and don't consider those sources worhty of anything. You can't make an argument for something as complicated as this in one sentence and then provide links to the people closely tied to the event and expect that to be used as the reasoning. Anyone who mixes qanon and great reset is obviously being herded by the mainstream media, it's not hard to spot these people who don't know 1+1 but can repeat the lines from TV word for word. Unlike them,, I like to do what the teachers used to say, show your work, when you try to show the work for any of the events these people are behind it falls apart badly.

Case study. 3500 engineers say the WTC fell due to some form of controlled demolotion , 1 says it fell from jet fuel fire, guess which one the government will use and guess which one BBC or CNN will then repeat and guess which one some layman will then use as their source in a forum, and they have the nerve to call it follow the science.

I was trying to give the OP a tip.. do you research before running out and getting a shot for a medical expirement and don't fall into the 3500 to 1 trap as above.
Since you guys like to give weak links and assume someone is going to follow it and believe your story, I'm obliged to do the same.

Here is fresh new video from Corbett report on how the Covid 19 scam will be covered up by the same man who did 9/11 and he gives actual reference to how the 9/11 report was written before the info came in.. Sound familiar ? is this what you guys trust as your science. You only need to watch the first 5 min to get an idea of what's going on.

Hmmm – To be honest the links ClippyBeer provided, included a link to the worlds premier Peer reviewed science Journal, “Nature”. But the research can also be found in the “Lancet” and “The British Medical Journal” these can hardly be described as comics.

just to be clear, I trust the science and peer review process 99% of the time when there is no conflict, but when there is a conflict or the global power bodies are involved then I find it to be wrong 99% of the time. Think of AIDS, climate change, 9/11.. The science purposely got it wrong each time because there was a global agenda behind it.

You can't boil something down to a peer reviewed paper because you can buy peer reviews as easy as google reviews. I believe it was $35k to hook up with a company that gets your paper out. Can you imagine how hard it would be for big pharma and the bill gates types to come up with $35,000, and If you were going to do this, the exact place you would find it is in the NYT, nature, BBC and the
other rags they fund and/or control.
While the methods behind however we got here will forever remain a mystery (bioweapon gone wrong, or purposely--who knows), but I can tell you this much--it's real enough that it killed my dad and I saw him in the ICU and the fully sealed self-vented room. I donned the ICU nurses protective gear and protocol when I was able to visit him, I saw the xrays that showed the lung damage that he could never recover from. I only got to see him conscious once in 2 months, and it was only over facetime as visitors were not allowed at that time. I wish this was all a hoax. I wish it wasn't real. Because it took my dad from me. And the only ones to blame are us--humans, mankind.
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