I cant see this its so emberising :(

Why where is this comming from?


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according to above you are infected and should run malwarebytes free and eset online scanner:

Can you please give me a link to malwarebytes the legacy one because when i download malwarebytes from the home page the free one not premium trial the installer says unssupported os detected and it gives me a link to download the compatable version but its Malwarebytes premium trial. any help? Elizabeth?

scroll down to where you can choose download or buy, you do not have to run the trial version just go into settings and disable the automatic start.


obviously something you are doing is causing infections, it could be the websites you visit, it could be a flash drive that you connected if you do not have autorun and autoplay disabled and if your av does not scan the flash drive before you can open it.

360 scans flash drives before they can be opened and I have autorun/autoplay disabled, I run a daily quick scan, a full scan every now and then or at least once a week and a full scan with malwarebytes at least once a week. Everytime I get off the internet I run ccleaner, and TFC, especially if I have visited a dubious site as I sometimes do when trying to watch shows for free online, :)

scroll down to where you can choose download or buy, you do not have to run the trial version just go into settings and disable the automatic start.


obviously something you are doing is causing infections, it could be the websites you visit, it could be a flash drive that you connected if you do not have autorun and autoplay disabled and if your av does not scan the flash drive before you can open it.

360 scans flash drives before they can be opened and I have autorun/autoplay disabled, I run a daily quick scan, a full scan every now and then or at least once a week and a full scan with malwarebytes at least once a week. Everytime I get off the internet I run ccleaner, and TFC, especially if I have visited a dubious site as I sometimes do when trying to watch shows for free online, :)
How to disable autorun autoplay,? What sites a. Visit is only av page, when i, install it all of my drivers and sofware are burned to a dvd
when I reinstall I install my av before I ever connect to the internet and run a scan. That way my av has a baseline on my pc and is clean.

and the first page you should visit after a reinstall is microsoft updates, until you are fully updated, a virus can occur quicker.

do you have home or pro xp? registry fix will work for home, since it does not have a group policy console.

Turn off Autoplay and autorun:

1. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

2. If necessary create a dword called NoDriveTypeAutoRun
(right click on Explorer, choose NEW, choose DWORD, in box type NoDriveTypeAutoRun exactly, no spaces, capital letters act as spaces.)

3. Set the dword thus:NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 000000FF
(when you are done typing, click in a clear spot, then double click on the new dword and in the box type the 0000000ff, hex, or choose the decimal for 255)

4. A value of 000000FF (decimal 255) disables AutoRun on all drives.

5. There is no need to logoff; the NoDriveTypeAutoRun setting should take effect straightaway

THE following can be used in pro, I do both the registry fix and the group policy fix.

Click Start, click Run, typeGpedit.msc in the Open box, and then click OK. Under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then click System. In the Settings pane, right-click Turn off Autoplay, and then click Properties.

also when I reinstall before I go online, I run portup on my pc to get 2/3 of my updates installed offline, so that there are not too many updates to get from microsoft updates:


you have to do the first search online, it will download a couple of downloads first and then it will tell you what is installed and what you need, then you just check all the updates (even ones installed) and have portup download them, you should save the portup download to a flash drive (at least 4gb) and run the search from there, portup will save the downloaded updates to a cache folder on the flash drive, and when you reinstall then you can plug in the drive, run portup again with a search, it will search your pc, (offline) and you can check all the ones you want to install, (lengthy but worth it.)

Also before I reinstall I wipe my disk with dban, at least 3 passes to thoroughly wipe the drive, :)
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when I reinstall I install my av before I ever connect to the internet and run a scan. That way my av has a baseline on my pc and is clean.

and the first page you should visit after a reinstall is microsoft updates, until you are fully updated, a virus can occur quicker.

do you have home or pro xp? registry fix will work for home, since it does not have a group policy console.

Turn off Autoplay and autorun:

1. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

2. If necessary create a dword called NoDriveTypeAutoRun
(right click on Explorer, choose NEW, choose DWORD, in box type NoDriveTypeAutoRun exactly, no spaces, capital letters act as spaces.)

3. Set the dword thus:NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 000000FF
(when you are done typing, click in a clear spot, then double click on the new dword and in the box type the 0000000ff, hex, or choose the decimal for 255)

4. A value of 000000FF (decimal 255) disables AutoRun on all drives.

5. There is no need to logoff; the NoDriveTypeAutoRun setting should take effect straightaway

THE following can be used in pro, I do both the registry fix and the group policy fix.

Click Start, click Run, typeGpedit.msc in the Open box, and then click OK. Under Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then click System. In the Settings pane, right-click Turn off Autoplay, and then click Properties.

also when I reinstall before I go online, I run portup on my pc to get 2/3 of my updates installed offline, so that there are not too many updates to get from microsoft updates:


you have to do the first search online, it will download a couple of downloads first and then it will tell you what is installed and what you need, then you just check all the updates (even ones installed) and have portup download them, you should save the portup download to a flash drive (at least 4gb) and run the search from there, portup will save the downloaded updates to a cache folder on the flash drive, and when you reinstall then you can plug in the drive, run portup again with a search, it will search your pc, (offline) and you can check all the ones you want to install, (lengthy but worth it.)

Also before I reinstall I wipe my disk with dban, at least 3 passes to thoroughly wipe the drive, :)
I run pro
I do not install any of the optional updates like silverlight, wmp11, powershell2, and a few others. also KB2934207, which is the update that nags you about xp being at the end of life, microsoft made this a high priority update, so I always do a custom search at microsoft updates to uncheck that particular update.
I do not install any of the optional updates like silverlight, wmp11, powershell2, and a few others. also KB2934207, which is the update that nags you about xp being at the end of life, microsoft made this a high priority update, so I always do a custom search at microsoft updates to uncheck that particular update.
Then can you please give me the first 2 or 3 updates to install on my fress xp pro sp3 install? :)