hwo to restore Start / Run entries (RunMRU key)?

I removed and re-installed CCleaner and forgot to adjust several options that I prefer to set different than the default. In particular, CC just cleared my Start / Run list. I would like to recover the list from my last backup. The list is stored in registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\RunMRU].

Does anyone know which file contains that key?
you have just listed that key, all you have to do is export it to your desktop from your backup, double click it and it will merge to the registry and your listings will be back again.
I have no idea how to export a key from my backup. My backups are created with Acronis TrueImage Home v9.0. As I understand it, the registry keys are contained in various files. I need to know which file contains that key so I can restore the file.
  • Copy the five registry hives (SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, SAM, SECURITY, DEFAULT) from C:\Windows\System32\Config to C:\Windows\Tmp, adding the .bak extension.
  • Delete the five registry hives from C:\Windows\System32\Config
  • Copy the five registry hives from C:\Windows\Repair folder to C:\Windows\System32\Config
With this done, you should be able to start Windows XP using the registry that was created during the initial setup of Windows XP. As a result, any changes and settings that occurred after the Setup program was finished are lost.

If you copy the above folders from your backup, then you can follow the above instructions to copy to the repair folder and restart windows, should start up with the ones from the backup.

above info came from HERE
Hmm... sledgehammer approach. In a previous thread you posted a link to a webcached page that described which settings are stored in which hive files. Unfortunately, that link no longer works. I tried unsuccessfully to find another source like that. For now, I'll try the Software hive, since the key has 'software' in the registry path. Thanks for the assist.
good work, now save that knowledge to a text file and this way you can keep all your xp tips saved for the next time I have lots on registry fixes, run commands and general xp tips that I use on my pc, :)
Sorry, I pasted the wrong link. HERE is the correct one!

NOTE: This table is specific to the tools developed by the site owner so many of the keys are unrelated to XP. A large number of XP registry keys appear to be included in the table.
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