Ethernet to transfer files between computers

Hello everyone, I'm using my WinXP computer as a backup computer in which I make a backup of my main computer, and send the compressed file to my XP one. Last night, I did that by saving it to an intermediary external hard drive, and 100GB took over 17 hours to transfer!

I believe Ethernet is faster than USB, and was wondering how you guys suggest I transfer this data between my main machine (Ubuntu 18.04) and the XP computer.

It sounds like you are talking about drive imaging and yes, imaging 100GB with compression will take a long time over ethernet.

Not really, I use my computer to make a backup of my home folder (not imaging the disk), and then once I'm done I have 100GB of files I need to transfer to somewhere else. And was wondering if I can transfer them over via ethernet.
If you have ethernet cards in both the xp and ubuntu systems, all you need is an ethernet cable or a network swtich (you probably have one already if you have Internet access as most routers have a switch built-in).

Once the hardware is all connected, you just need to share the xp drive and the ubuntu should be able to see it. Then copy from ubuntu. :)

Your speeds can reach as fast as 100MB/sec with 1Gb ethernet. :)
If you have ethernet cards in both the xp and ubuntu systems, all you need is an ethernet cable or a network swtich (you probably have one already if you have Internet access as most routers have a switch built-in).

Once the hardware is all connected, you just need to share the xp drive and the ubuntu should be able to see it. Then copy from ubuntu. :)

Your speeds can reach as fast as 100MB/sec with 1Gb ethernet. :)

Thanks I'll see what I can do!