Bluetooth Problem

I’m trying to get Bluetooth working on a Windows XP Professional (SP3) Desktop computer without success. I’ve tried a couple different USB Bluetooth adapters but am unable to see or pair any devices.

I confirmed all is working by testing the USB adapters on a Windows 10 system where all device showed up and were properly paired.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
bluetooth is not native for older xp pcs and might not have a driver available, need more info
pc manufacturer, model name and model number, bluetooth device manufacturer and model number.
It’s a no-name computer with a Gigabyte motherboard and not completely sure about the USB Bluetooth adapters.

The first adapter came from Amazon:

REDGO USB BT V4.0 Wireless Mini Adapter Dongle for PC Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Classic Bluetooth, Stereo Headset Compatible, Black

It appears to be some off branded deal with the name REDGO slapped on it using CSR Harmony drivers. This was purchased because it specifically said it worked with XP.

The second adapter says Abe on it using the standard Microsoft drivers.

All of the identical hardware, computer, motherboard and Bluetooth adapters work under Windows 10.

Before learning that the custom built programs wouldn’t work on Windows 10, I had upgraded the PC to Windows 10 where I was able to pair and connect to the Bluetooth devices using both the REDGO and Abe adapters. Unfortunately I had to go back and downgrade to XP in order get the custom build programs to run. However this did allow me to test all of the hardware including the Gigabyte motherboard together with the adapters and they do just fine under Windows 10.

I have no problem ditching the REDGO and Abe adapters for other brands if I can find one that work.
As Elizabeth has pointed out you need Drivers.

There are quite literally hundreds of different little cheap Blue-tooth dongles on Ebay with drivers for XP.

If you want to stick with what you have. Type in the brand and model number with the word drivers after it and you should find some XP drivers.

Regardless I have found that I can use generic drivers with most Blue tooth dongles. So I have uploaded a couple of driver sets for you in a Zip folder. I find the Technika one by far the best.

Link below. Use slow download.
Yes indeed, there are a ton of Bluetooth adapters out there, which makes it all the harder to pick one that might actually work. So far I haven’t run into any problems installing adapters or loading drivers they simply don’t want to work. No errors pop up it’s just that the system can’t find any devices to connect, and I know all the hardware is working from performing all the same steps with Windows 10 using all the exact same hardware.

Thank you for the link to the zipped drivers, I’ll try installing them once they finish downloading.
Well I downloaded the drivers and tried both versions but neither worked. Once again there were no errors and the installation went without a hitch but no devices could be found.

The one Bluetooth adapter I have has two LED indicators, one Red the other Blue. If the BlueSoleil software is not running both LED’s are off, when it’s running the Red LED blinks. If I use the BlueSoleil software to Detect New Devices, both the Red and the Blue LED come on and the moment the software comes back saying No New Device Found, both LED’s turn off and then the Red one goes back to flashing.

When I plug either of the two Bluetooth adapters into a PC running Windows 10 is finds all of the HP Printers and the Lab’s door locks when searching for new devices. On the XP box it finds nothing!
I am not quite sure what you are saying when you say neither driver worked, when you then say there were no errors in the installation and with the BlueSoleil driver and software you had flashing lights on the dongle. So something is working surely? The drivers appear to be working or doing something.

Forget the BlueSoleil for the moment.

You should have a little Bluetooth symbol on your taskbar when you plug your Dongle in.


Right Click on symbol (If you don’t have it in your task bar it will be in System Tools or Communications) Find the symbol where ever it is.

Once you have found it

Right click on it or if you are that way inclined double left click.

Left click on Bluetooth settings

Left click on options

Put a tick in “Turn Discovery on”

Left click on “Apply”

Left click on “Devices”

Left click on “Add”


You should now see a collection of Bluetooth devices.

I have just checked and:
I can only say that I use the Brand Name Technika drivers/software and it’s fine with my Technika Dongle. No Bluetooth until I plug in then minimal drivers and little icon on taskbar. Once I unplug all drivers go and Icon goes.

Hopefully someone might be able to throw some ideas at you who has had similar problems and therefore has more experience on this problem.

If for some reason you cant find a Bluetooth Icon I would strongly suggest removing software and drivers and investing in a Dongle from ebay or Amazon that says it supports XP.
Yes it’s all very confusing, as everything does seem to go well during installation without any errors popping up. When saying that neither driver worked I’m referring to the fact that the system does not discover any devices once all is installed. There are several Bluetooth devices in the Lab, printers, door locks and a few other custom in house systems none of which are detected during the discovery process.

And as I mentioned before, I had gone through all the trouble of loading Windows 10 on the Lab computer in question, same hardware, motherboard and Bluetooth adapters and every device was detected. I was able to pair each device and communicate with them. The only problem was that I had to revert back to XP in order for our custom built software to run. However it wasn’t a complete waste of time loading Window 10 as it showed that the hardware is indeed compatible proving the Bluetooth devices in the Lab are working and able to connect using either one of the adapters.

So back to the XP box, yes I have a Bluetooth icon in the taskbar and confirmed that Discovery is on but when I try and add a device none show up. The system waits for a moment while searching, and that’s when I can see the adapter’s Blue LED turn on before it comes back saying No New Devices Found.

The BlueSoleil software asked if I wanted to remove the Medium level Security so insure all device would be discovered but it didn’t seem to help. The system simply doesn’t detect any Bluetooth devices. Below is the actual prompt:

“Your security level is 'Medium' now. Other Bluetooth devices must provide a Bluetooth passkey before connecting with your computer. If you do not want to have security authentication, uncheck 'Use security level Medium'”

I actually tried it both ways, one with the security set to Medium and one without.

As for purchasing a new Bluetooth adapter compatible with XP, well that's exactly what I did, I ordered it the beginning of the week.

Here are the properties shown for the Amazon Bluetooth adapter compatible with XP
Name: CSR8510 A10
Address: 00:1A:7D:DA:71:13

Here are the properties of the Abe Bluetooth
Name: CSR-bc3
Address: 00:0C:78:33:9D:70

Cambridge Silicon Radio
HCI Version: 1.2
HCI Revision: 7A6
LMP Version 1.2
LMP Sub Version 7A6
I have a similar bluetooth adapter for XP - (Cambridge Silicon Radio) and was able to successfully pair 3 different audio devices. Older bluetooth devices may prompt you for a passcode, usually '0000' (I have an older Motorola bluetooth headset that requires this).

In any case here are the steps I took to pair those devices with XP. I was never prompted to change any security level so am not sure what software you are using.
Thanks for the link to the detailed steps used when installing and configuring your Bluetooth device. I download and installed the West Mountain Radio drivers and this time around I did encounter an error when trying to turn on Discovery Mode as the system was unable to save the new settings.

BT Mountain.JPG

I don't know why the error occurred and not entirely sure it would cause the problem I'm seeing as I'm not trying to establish any incoming connections. Actually at this point I haven't even reach a point where I'm able to pair or make connections, I'm still trying to get the system to simply locate any of my Bluetooth devices. But who knows, at this point any error is a bit suspicious.

After installing the drivers from West Mountain Radio as with the other drivers I've tried, a Bluetooth icon does appear in the taskbar.

BT Mountain 2.JPG

Here you can see where I tried searching for Bluetooth devices and the system was unable to locate anything. I tried this step several times using both adapters before and after booting the computer.

BT Mountain 3.JPG

Even though no devices were found I still went ahead and opened My Computer just to see if the My Bluetooth section was present and indeed it was.

BT Mountain 4.JPG

Clicking on the My Bluetooth Devices opens up an empty window.

BT Mountain 5.JPG

Here's a screen shot of my computers System Properties

BT Mountain 6.JPG

Also included a screen shot of the Device Manager

BT Mountain 7.JPG

And lastly took a picture of the two Bluetooth Adapters I'm working with

BT Mountain 8.JPG

I don't know if any of this helps, but I'm running out of things to try. I think I'm going to buying a another adapter, perhaps the one from West Mountain Radio and see if that works.