A "new" hope for newer Hardware? :XP Compatibility

I'm sure most have or will experience issues with not being able to find Drivers for newer Hardware. All hope isn't lost. If you're motivated & are willing to learn. Many drivers were made by people such as yourselves. All by publicly released software. Even have it digitally signed + pass icon/logo in XP. I have access to al of that. All we ask if you SHARE your new hardware drivers. So everyone may enjoy the benefits. You may respond here. HMU in group. https://facebook.com/groups/WindowsXP/
We've dedicated the last 4 months getting this together. Some members have made simple DOS Wi-Fi & XP drivers. The software had test samples to work off of. Also debuggers so your scripts can be 100% up & running flawlessly.
I'm sure most have or will experience issues with not being able to find Drivers for newer Hardware. All hope isn't lost. If you're motivated & are willing to learn. Many drivers were made by people such as yourselves. All by publicly released software. Even have it digitally signed + pass icon/logo in XP. I have access to al of that. All we ask if you SHARE your new hardware drivers. So everyone may enjoy the benefits. You may respond here. HMU in group. https://facebook.com/groups/WindowsXP/
We've dedicated the last 4 months getting this together. Some members have made simple DOS Wi-Fi & XP drivers. The software had test samples to work off of. Also debuggers so your scripts can be 100% up & running flawlessly.

Can you actually describe what you're doing beside a link to facebook. Is this a driver collection or porting drivers from linux, you write a lot of stuff about your users but you completely leave out the meat.
Skip to the end of "wait and see."
How about video card drivers for XP? I have access to a lot of video cards and multiple XP compatible machines I could use for testing. How about AMD X570 platform drivers? I have access to an X570 system and I would be willing to beta test drivers for XP For it then re-share to the public.
Apparently I can't edit my own posts... annoying! Anyway: I joined their facebook group and I can report back here that it's all a big lie. No one in there is actually creating new drivers for new hardware for Windows XP. It seems to be a lot of random posts from around the internet about various Windows XP and Windows vista news and information reposted into the facebook group. Also a lot of self-advertising posts from the admin of the group promoting his own youtube videos about installing various things in Windows Vista. Like an entire video dedicated to them talking about installing Audicity, or Photoshop. It's kind of cringe-worthy honestly. I wouldn't waste your time with it.
Thank you for vetting this group for the rest of us. A lot of fakers/spammers/scammers seem to target the xp crowd.
This is why I'm pleased to find this forum and try to contribute to it. Us people that actually take "Using Windows XP in 2021 seriously" is kind of rare. It's nice to have a place on the internet where I could ask XP-related questions without being harassed, insulted, flamed or yelled at for using XP still.
This is why I'm pleased to find this forum and try to contribute to it. Us people that actually take "Using Windows XP in 2021 seriously" is kind of rare. It's nice to have a place on the internet where I could ask XP-related questions without being harassed, insulted, flamed or yelled at for using XP still.
Yep, I totally agree. So many people out there are willing to bash an xp user than to understand that something that still works for someone (no matter how old) has value and doesn't need replacement. XP with the steadystate addon is actually what I used to prevent my elderly parents from causing any more financial damage using their win7 system. Once things were locked down and simplified with xp, they would work effectively, get the job done, and not cause more problems. Sadly, the XP systems outlived them. :( But the machines are still running and still doing something useful--and they deserve to keep on working as long as they can.
Yep, I totally agree. So many people out there are willing to bash an xp user than to understand that something that still works for someone (no matter how old) has value and doesn't need replacement. XP with the steadystate addon is actually what I used to prevent my elderly parents from causing any more financial damage using their win7 system. Once things were locked down and simplified with xp, they would work effectively, get the job done, and not cause more problems. Sadly, the XP systems outlived them. :( But the machines are still running and still doing something useful--and they deserve to keep on working as long as they can.
I think the thing that most has me upset with the world is how microsoft and the internet has everyone thinking that just the act of connecting a Windows XP machine to the internet and letting it sit at the desktop is going to some how instantly get it filled with multiple viruses, worms, and trojans even if we don't open any programs or files. Those of us that actually use XP systems know that is not true. I have multiple XP systems online on the internet and nothing bad ever happens. I've even taken my (recent purchase of an XP era HP tablet computer) to McDonalds and chatted on the internet on it with Telegram and Element and it all worked just fine. I brought it home: Still no Viruses. Nothing happened. However.. I didn't connect to the mcdonalds wifi. I shared wifi from my cell phone and used my own "private" wifi access point on my mobile internet carrier via my smart phone, but still.
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I think the thing that most has me upset with the world is how microsoft and the internet has everyone thinking that just the act of connecting a Windows XP machine to the internet and letting it sit at the desktop is going to some how instantly get it filled with multiple viruses, worms, and trojans even if we don't open any programs or files. Those of us that actually use XP systems know that is not true. I have multiple XP systems online on the internet and nothing bad ever happens. I've even taken my (recent purchase of an XP era HP tablet computer) to McDonalds and chatted on the internet on it with Telegram and Element and it all worked just fine. I brought it home: Still no Viruses. Nothing happened. However.. I didn't connect to the mcdonalds wifi. I shared wifi from my cell phone and used my own "private" wifi access point on my mobile internet carrier via my smart phone, but still.
Yeah, anyone that really knows security, knows that it's the 'high value targets' that get the most exploits. Just check out cvedetails and look at all the 'current' exploits for xp:

Then compare that to windows 10:

Even windows 7 looks really bad compared to xp:

And it always works this way--the highest 'payoff' target is the target. Check out nas vendors synlogy and qnap:

And then compare them to almost the unknown Netgear readynas:

Popular? = Target

This doesn't mean you can't expect not to get hit with something on xp as the nation states leave no stone unturned (ahem *cough* *china* *russia*). But one of the best things to ever come along for windows actually started as an addon to XP designed for libraries and other non-profits trying to make their xp installs a lot more 'locked down'--Windows SteadyState. And steadystate went on to be the foundation of windows embedded and introduced the concept of virtualization on a desktop which is behind every windows based retail, point of sale, and kiosk in used today. And all this started with xp and still works very well (as I used it myself).

Now, I'm happy that Microsoft has taken over the world as I thought they would when I bought some of their stock back in 1995, and I do see them adjusting for the changing marketplace that is essentially now a big hot mess spinning out of control from what it once was, but unlike consumers who grew up playing xbox and thinking the Internet is 'free', I think I've got a more down to earth perspective in that I look at computers as tools, and if the new tool is more of a pain than the old tool, I have no hesitation to just keep using what works.
Hey guys, I am totally on page with you.
I suspect that in many cases XP users are more "awake" than the go-along masses.
Not saying I'm awake, but I sure ain't asleep either.
I'm digging deeper and deeper to keep my online XP machines humming and it is fun, but the PTB (Powers That Be) want us out. They know XP's advantages over the post O/S's.
My offline XP's are humming, even my offline (cough, cough) WinME 'puters are obeying their master. (But I take good care of them all)!
WinME, 9x, etc are probably 100% safe these days as I could hardly imagine anyone making an exploit for them today and the last reported ones is from over 10 years ago:

And imo, this is one of the reasons these platforms are great if you can get them to work for your use case since they essentially are super-fast on any hardware and pretty much safe to use. If anyone is interested, I also made a way to lock down the 9x series like window steadystate on xp or deepfreeze on moderm OSes--pm me if interested and I'll see if I can dig it up.
WinME, 9x, etc are probably 100% safe these days as I could hardly imagine anyone making an exploit for them today and the last reported ones is from over 10 years ago:

And imo, this is one of the reasons these platforms are great if you can get them to work for your use case since they essentially are super-fast on any hardware and pretty much safe to use. If anyone is interested, I also made a way to lock down the 9x series like window steadystate on xp or deepfreeze on moderm OSes--pm me if interested and I'll see if I can dig it up.
Thanks. I did not know what XP Steadystate is so I looked it up. Very interesting. I personally never let anyone on my computers ever. My ME boxes are off line and stripped down of all network layers and more (Man are they fast). Though I have one that can go online if there is a need... One ME is my original DAW in a server case with 5 ATA HD's CD/DVD burner, Floppy, dedicated 24/96 I/O card, dedicated MIDI ISA card (ah the days of IRQ steering) and a million fans, runs as good today as ever. The trick is COOLING. Keep hardware cool and it will love you for it.
I'm probably going to be branded a heretic here but.... My windows XP computers do not run any sort of firewall, anti-virus, or any protection at all other than my primary router for the network on pfsense. I play games online with them all the time (Starcraft the original still works on the original battle.net in XP by the way). I browse websites with it with firefox. I've been doing this for a couple of years now. I've never yet received any sort of virus, trojan, worm, or bug or anything. These systems don't even blue screen ever and they're even overclocked too. I think Samir is right in that no one is targeting these OS's any more because I've literally never once had any problem with any XP machine being online. My Win98se machine is online too and while I can't browse the internet with it I never have any issues there either.
It's been a while since I went online with my ME but I use K-Meleon 1.5x and Roytam1 updated it in 2019:
Users report functionality as of this September...
Neato. I'll look into that. My retro systems aren't.. retro. I'm more of the mind of "What is the fastest thing I can use with XX OS?" And right now that's a Win98 system with an SSD, Athlon64 single core chip @ 2.6 Ghz and 2GB of ram @ DDR-550. It's custom water cooled for the CPU With a water loop.. for my Win98 machine. Yes I know it's ludicrous and I love it for that reason. My WinXP machine is running an Intel I5-3570K @ 4.7 Ghz and a water cooled GTX 780 that's stupidly overclocked around +50% over stock with 32GB DDR3 @ 2200 Mhz and a pair of two SSD's in RAID-0 together. I have the ram patched for it too. These are my "Retro computers". :> The win98 machine has a sound blaster live that I've figured out how to run sound blaster 64 emulation for DOS games so that's also my DOS gaming machine for now.
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