Yellow Shield/Automatic updates failed to install but it keeps trying to update.

The automatic updates are:

Security Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2878233)
Security Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2881069)
Security Update for Microsoft Word 2007 (KB2880515)

I choose install and it failed to install all of them, it took awhile to say it failed. I know there's no more updates for xp but do I really need to install these updates? I know how to get rid of the yellow shield, I go to control panel then click administrator tools and stop automatic updates then it disappears. But after I restart the computer, the yellow shield comes back, and it tells me that automatic updates are ready for your computer and it's the same updates. Do I turn automatic updates off from now on since updates are useless on xp and these updates aren't inportant? and what would be a reason for these updates to fail to install?
These are no-longer listed and I can only assume they are obsolete. The first for example, is part of the malicious software removal tool, which is obsolete.

Not sure which OS you're using, but if it's XP home and your machine is standalone, (whether sharing an net connection or not), you might think about turning off unnecessary services.

The graphic below lists those in XP Home which can be safely turned off. But note it also suggests turning off networking services, so if you still network, then avoid those.

The eye candy is a matter of taste. Your machine will run faster, but if you like cute doggies yapping at you when they aren't wetting your carpet, then keep them.


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@spidersilva, I installed those very same updates with no problem, I have office 2003, which is obsolete but microsoft provideded updates to allow 2003 to interact with the newer versions of Office, that is what these updates do , except for the Malicious software app, you can use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for that.

If you do not have office 2003 then you do not need these updates, I have left automatic updates to started/automatic, it does not use a lot of memory and if there is a rootkit update of office update then I get them installed.