Xp's services

I had an uninstall problem which affected XP's Services, I think, but not certain. I am a PC novice..

Before, when I right clicked a service, properties came on screen and I could select different options.

Now I still get properties. However, that is all I get, no options.

Please advice me how to correct this problem.

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have you tried in safe mode?

you should run checkdisk also:

if you do not have Recovery Console installed, then run from the start menu

go to start, run, type in cmd

in cmd type in chkdsk c: /r and press enter

type Y for yes and press enter

type exit and press enter

restart pc, allow checkdisk to finish and run again
Hello Elizabeth!

Sorry i did not reply sooner! I have been out of town.

Thank you very much for your help!

I did what you said to do: I went to Safe Mode and did the run, services.msc.
When it came on, I right clicked a service and saw: start, all tasks. refresh, properties and help.

Stop, pause, resume and restart were all grey.

When I clicked start, a box said:"Could not start the alerter service on Local Computer. Error1084: This service cannot be started in Safe Mode."

I did not know what else to do, so I got out of Save Mode.

Next, I did check disk. Stages 4 and 5 took a long time to finish. When done checking, it only said:" Windows is finished checking the disk."- I did check disk again as you said.

I had tried System Restore earlier. When I started it, this is the response I received:
" System Restore is not able to protect your computer. Please restart your computer,and then run System Restore again." I did that and got the same answer.

While I am on the System Restore subject, would you or someone tell me how to fix that problem, please.

Again, I thank you for your help!
please explain your uninstall problem clearer.

what did you uninstall?

if a service box is gray, it generally means that the service is disabled.

which service are you trying to change the properties of?

you can view the chkdsk report, by going to control panel, administrative tools, event viewer, applications, Winlogon.

System Restore can be repaired by itself w/o installing the whole os.

But first let's see if we can find the problem

I want you to do the following also:

Click Start, Run and in the box enter:


Click OK, and when the System Summary info appears, click Edit, Select All (Ctrl-A), Copy (Ctrl-C) and then paste (Ctrl-V) the information back here in your next reply.
You can edit out any personal information.

Download, install, update and do full scan with these free malware detection programs:

Malwarebytes (MBAM): http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free
SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS): http://www.superantispyware.com/

Remove all found, reboot, and run again until scans run clean, these can be removed afterwards if you so choose. Run scans one at a time, please.
XP Services

Dear Elizabeth 23,

I am very grateful for all your excellent help and time!

Regarding uninstall:

I am sorry, I do not remember the program I uninstalled. I used IO Bit Uninstaller to uninstall the program. When it was done, it searched and found left-overs from the uninstall and I deleted them. It seemed like it was a lot left over. However, I used the program many times and it always worked well.

The Services I tried to change where not written down, so again, sorry!

I do not have any audio, I right clicked "Audio Services", clicked "Properties" with the right mouse button and later, the left button and nothing happened.

I again right clicked Audio Services>start and a dialog box said: "The Audio Service service [sic] on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service."

I tried right clicking other services, then start and getting the same answer in the same dialog box as before.

Chkdsk Report:

I could not find "Winlogon"

When I got to "Applications" and opened it, I was shocked at the many "Error"s and "Warning"s!

For example, one "Error" displaced the following:
"X Error Source STacSV Event 65535 User System"

That was followed by Two more "Errors" with the same information.

There are 146 "Errors". Many have the "Source" as "Crypt32" or "HHCTRL" or "STacSV"as well as other Sources.


l typed it in Run, pressed Enter and the Run disappeared and nothing happened.


I installed both programs as you recommended. Malwarebytes would not run.
SUPPER Anti Spyware worked well! I ran it four times until nothing more was found.

System Restore:

You mentioned it could be repaired. Would you please tell me how?

I will mention a few more things that may help you find what is wrong with my PC:

When I click the minus on the top rightt of the webpage, it disappears.
The Search does not work.
The paste in cut and paste does not work.

Lastly I was told to type "sc query" in a command line and received the following ( I could not copy and paste the information here.) : I saw more than I am typing.

All the following said: "running".

Advanced System Care 7
Dcom Launch
Event log
Line Udate Svc
Plug Play

Nothing more was displayed.

Do the running programs above indicant there are the only services running out of all those services?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Please advise.
Bleeping Computer: Am I infected? What do I do?
MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware
http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showforum=41 SpywareHammer: Malware Removal
geeks to go malware removal

above are some malware removal forums, please read any pinned notice at top of whichever forum you choose, choose one only, and be patient it will take two to three days before an answer is received.

1. you have no antivirus installed, you should not connect to the internet without an antivirus, here is a link for MSE, but be sure to read the install instructions first:

MSE installation checklist

MSE Download

2. download chameleon from malwarebytes, this will enable malwarebytes to be installed if it is being blocked by a virus:


3. advanced system care is a registry cleaner which you should not use, unless you are very pc savvy and know what is being deleted.

4. to repair system restore at this time would be a fruitless effort as all points can be considered infected. system restore is one of the many points a virus will infect so that users cannot get their pc's back to normal.

5. therefore you have two options, go to one of the forums above, OR, do a clean install of your system which will wipe the disk and clear any infection. unless it is a rootkit, but if you have no trouble booting you are okay there.

6. sc query typed in the run box will flash by, you want to open a command prompt and then type sc query, but at this stage of your infection, I do not see the benefit of running this command.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
in event viewer, so you can be certain that all errors are current, clear each directory, by right clicking and choosing clear all events, you can save if you wish, then any errors are current and you can concentrate on these, but of course the first thing is to get your pc clean of infections.