XP won't recognize either an SD card reader or my camera..

I recently got a new (well, new to me) computer to replace my faithful Dell that died on me a few weeks back. Like the new one, the old one ran on XP and I never had any problems downloading pictures from either my Dynex card reader or my camera. Anyway, this one won't recognize either. If I plug the reader into the USB port the blue light comes on, like always, but no "new hardware found" message nor any other message comes up. If I attach the camera (Nikon D50), the camera's screen reads "PC," but the computer doesn't acknowlege it, either.

I did a bit of Googling and discovered that if XP hasn't been updated with service pack 3, it won't automatically install drivers. So, I just installed SP3 but still no luck. I have shut down and restarted my PC twice, but nothing. Any hints?
also get fully updated at Microsoft updates, do a high priority scan and install all, then do a custom scan and install any optional rootkit updates.
WARNING I have SP3, its good to have, lets you access the last of many XP things.

I can not get my camera phone device to come up easy on my xp, and when it does i get get my flash sticks re named all over the place, it changes my front USB port from G to F

your camera should have a device connector from the manufacturer, find it use it.
mine will not down load cause my xp is refusing MSI files, :eek:

but thats for another thread
my camera connects thru a usb cable from camera to usb port, windows and my antivirus detect it (no camera software installed) and I can open it from my computer or from my antivirus dialog box where it scans it as I have my computer to disable all drives to open flash drives, and/or storage devices
""my camera connects thru a usb cable from camera to USB port""

so does everybody's i think, all my phones and camera's have, but my kyrocera phone wrecks my flash drive listings, i have to pull all 4 in back of my computer and put back in again, and the port I put the phone in, always ends up with a different initial then it had before putting phone in, the program to stop all this from the company will not down load, facts are--kyrocera makes such primitive devices I don't think it would change much if the program did down load, I have a kid with a ten dollar camera, no program, it pops up
under computer, you click open, down load pics unplug--no problem, a ten dollar camera!!!

I will google USB driver updates, but suspect most available now are commercial
data spyware, since MS screwed millions of people to push 10 down our throats

you can assign a drive letter to your camera in disk management, whenever I plug in a new flash drive, (I have several with different things on them) I change the letter as it always assigns an F (the first blank letter in the list) I give it a letter that I want and then ever after it will remember that letter,unless I reinstall and then have to reassign all over again, :)