XP will not connect to wired network

Old DELL-530 and bringing out to do some work that needs XP to run. That said it will not connect to my wired network Tried the wizard and trouble shooter and repair command and no luck. What is odd is the properties shows an IP address not even on my home network!

Reinstalled drivers and still same issue. I the installed a DLink USB adapter and that works OK. IS there any non-MS operating systems that can replace XP and work with graphical interface?
it could mean that the ethernet controller on your motherboard is corrupted, mine died on my dell dimension 3000 and I had to buy a pci card from dell, install it and then I could get online, Are there any errors in event viewer concerning this issue?

you can check out some of the linux programs if you want to replace xp.

did you use the Repair command from right clicking on the network connection and choosing repair? did it go all the way through the repair or did it stop at any point?

if you still have dell diagnostics on your pc, you can run a hardware test to check your ehternet controller to see if it has been fried.

does device manager have any exclamation points indicating a driver is needed?

If you fancy trying something non-M$, and pretty easy to get on with, give 'Puppy' Linux a look.


I've been running Puppies for the best part of the last 5 years, on an elderly Compaq desktop that originally came with XP.

A mate of mine, who describes himself as a 'tech dinosaur', has a Dell 530s that came originally with Vista. It got to the stage where it point-blank refused to update any longer.....so I put Puppy on there for him. He's as happy as a sand-boy now, and reckons Puppy's the best thing since sliced bread..!

Mike. ;)
Not a bad recommendation at all! I experimented with Linux for a while...a bit of a learning curve, but not as bad as some have made it out to be. Puppy Linux, in my experiences with it, was very stable and solid. I'm definitely willing to try it out again in the future.
puppy is a minimal OS and mostly garbage for day to day use. If you want to fix the ethernet, assuming its not broken, you can go to settings, properties and play around with the speeds and connection settings. I have certain nics that don't work on the default but when you change it to 10mb or 100mb or 1000mb manually it picks up an IP. The 164 or 169 IP you are getting is the internal which will always come up if you can't reach your local network.
puppy is a minimal OS and mostly garbage for day to day use

Well said! Spoken by somebody who hasn't got a clue what they're running on about.....

Puppy does everything that I need it to.....without the hassle of an ancient, out-dated and archaic OS that now needs tons of work just to stay usable. Don't get me wrong; I used XP for the entirety of its supported life (2001-2014), and quite enjoyed it.....till I learnt better.

At some point, you have to call it a day. I agree, it's still fine as a 'standalone workstation' kind of thing.....so long as you accept that its days of being viable online are all but gone.

I've always relished a challenge; when EOL came in 2014 I decided M$ had had enough of my money over the years.....so I wiped Windows out of my life, and dived head-first into Linux. And haven't looked back since.

Mike. ;)
XP still has a pretty solid array of browsers...among others Firefox 52ESR, Chrome 49/Opera 36, Adv. Chrome 54 & Maxthon 5.2.4.x (I cannot recommend the last one for a variety of reasons, but from what I understand it is forked from Chrome 61 and as a result has the best support for modern web standards in 2018; out of a possible 555 points on the HTML5 test it scored 526 [I can confirm this personally, having briefly tried it out]) keep it very viable for present-day web use. Any PC with a dual-core (or better) processor and 2GB (or better) of RAM should do fine with any of those browsers, but for PCs with single-core processors and/or less than 2GB of RAM older versions are recommended (though it does take some trial/error to find a combo that works well; right now on my P4 a combo of Opera 11.64 + Firefox 26 is running smoothly). Mypal (a Pale Moon fork) is maintained on XP; while Pale Moon itself is forked from older Mozilla code it gets regular security updates.

If there comes a time (and I'm sure it will come at some point) where XP is no longer usable in any capacity for what I like/need to do on the Internet, I'll definitely be giving Puppy Linux a try again.
Well said! Spoken by somebody who hasn't got a clue what they're running on about.....

Puppy does everything that I need it to.....without the hassle of an ancient, out-dated and archaic OS that now needs tons of work just to stay usable. Don't get me wrong; I used XP for the entirety of its supported life (2001-2014), and quite enjoyed it.....till I learnt better.

Mike. ;)

Actually I do know what I'm talking about. I come from a SunOS background, but forgive me if I don't want to debate with a rocket scientist who believes a 1 man OS is comparable to a multi billion dollar OS with a billion users at its peak. I'm sorry you found it unstable, I think that further confirms you might be the one who doesn't know much.
There is no need to fight, gentlemen! Please relax! Windows XP & Puppy Linux both have their uses, and are both great for older PCs.

I'm writing this from Opera 12.18--for now, my long trial of trying out browsers is over. I'm going to be sticking with Opera 12.18 and Firefox 27.0.1 (I got tired of getting certificate errors in older browsers, and Opera 12.18/Firefox 27.0 both support TLS 1.2 by default; I could go up to 52.9.1ESR but on my Pentium 4 it runs quite slow [on my newer dual-core machines it definitely runs a lot smoother]).
Ah, okay. Sometimes I just don't know what to make of these things. They're both good, but I honestly can't rank Puppy Linux above XP as far as being easy to install and get used to. XP's learning curve is easier, program compatibility is better & everything runs stable. The ONLY Achilles' Heel XP has going for it right now is that there are not as many supported browsers for it as there once were, but if projects continue to be maintained for stable/secure browsers then even that shouldn't be a problem.
Returning to the original subject of this thread...

OK, so have you confirmed that the network adapter is working and is properly connected to your network? I'm a big fan of Puppy Linux too, especially for maintenance tasks and troubleshooting. If your PC supports booting from USB (if not, you could try using the Plop boot loader) then create a live CD of Puppy Linux on a USB memory stick, boot into that and see if it connects to your network - if not, chances are the network card is the problem or something like the network cable is preventing the PC connecting to your network (as opposed to an XP driver/firewall/configuration issue).

I see this thread is actually several months old so I'm guessing (no pun intended) that the OP is no longer interested in or in need of a solution, in which case WTF was it resurrected???
XP still has a pretty solid array of browsers...among others Firefox 52ESR, Chrome 49/Opera 36, Adv. Chrome 54 & Maxthon 5.2.4.x (I cannot recommend the last one for a variety of reasons, but from what I understand it is forked from Chrome 61 and as a result has the best support for modern web standards in 2018; out of a possible 555 points on the HTML5 test it scored 526 [I can confirm this personally, having briefly tried it out]) keep it very viable for present-day web use. Any PC with a dual-core (or better) processor and 2GB (or better) of RAM should do fine with any of those browsers, but for PCs with single-core processors and/or less than 2GB of RAM older versions are recommended (though it does take some trial/error to find a combo that works well; right now on my P4 a combo of Opera 11.64 + Firefox 26 is running smoothly). Mypal (a Pale Moon fork) is maintained on XP; while Pale Moon itself is forked from older Mozilla code it gets regular security updates.

If there comes a time (and I'm sure it will come at some point) where XP is no longer usable in any capacity for what I like/need to do on the Internet, I'll definitely be giving Puppy Linux a try again.

From Wikipedia:

"Maxthon is a freeware web browser developed by the company Maxthon Ltd., based in Beijing, China."

A web browser developed in China? I'll pass, thanks...
You didn't read my post thoroughly for context:


I know very well about Maxthon's history. The only reason I made a note of it is because it does have the best HTML5 support of any XP-compatible browser (show me another that scores 526 points on the HTML5 test, & then we can talk).
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You didn't read my post thoroughly for context:


I know very well about Maxthon's history. The only reason I made a note of it is because it does have the best HTML5 support of any XP-compatible browser (show me another that scores 526 points on the HTML5 test, & then we can talk).

Well, I see that you have since edited your original post which, according to the email I received, was this:

You know what? You're a rude fellow. On top of that, you didn't read my post for context:


I know very well about Maxthon's history. The only reason I made a note of it is because it does have the best HTML5 support of any XP-compatible browser (show me another one that scores 526 points and then we can talk).

You better keep your ego in check, or you and I are not going to get along well, compadre. If I saw you in real life I might slap you. But instead I'm just going to pray for you.

Wow. Just wow. Your original response to my simple observation says a lot more about you than I ever could.
I'm sorry about that. I don't want to make any excuses, but I wasn't in the best mood yesterday. It is what it is. People can say what they want to say and feel how they want to feel. Everyone has an off day from time to time. I've had too many to count. I was never really mad at YOU, in all truth--just surprised at the tone of your initial posts. In any event, I humbly and sincerely apologize. I shouldn't have allowed my emotions to get out of control like that, especially over such a petty, trivial, and insignificant matter.

At the same time, I stand by what I said about attitudes being kept in check, and that goes for everyone here (including and especially me). This IS meant to be a friendly forum, and we should be treating each other with respect. So if you want to try and 'expose' me for things I have said in the past, go right ahead. I have nothing to hide. I can't change who I was yesterday, but I can strive to make myself a better man today. Every day is a gift, and God has all of our days numbered. There's no telling when the end will be. We should make every day count. We should never expect tomorrow, because we are never promised even another second.

I'm back on Mypal (version 28.1.0 at the moment) and sticking with it now, so you can disregard any other statements I've made about any other browsers. That's the only one I'll be using on XP from hereon in. I'm done relying on synthetic tests to gauge the usability and value of a browser. The real litmus test is whether or not it works for your needs, and Mypal does what I need it to. I pray that whatever browser (or browsers, as the case may also be) you use will do what you need them to as well. God bless you. I'm not perfect, but I am grateful knowing that I am saved through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed for my sins.
I'm sorry about that. I don't want to make any excuses, but I wasn't in the best mood yesterday. It is what it is. People can say what they want to say and feel how they want to feel. Everyone has an off day from time to time. I've had too many to count. I was never really mad at YOU, in all truth--just surprised at the tone of your initial posts. In any event, I humbly and sincerely apologize. I shouldn't have allowed my emotions to get out of control like that, especially over such a petty, trivial, and insignificant matter.

At the same time, I stand by what I said about attitudes being kept in check, and that goes for everyone here (including and especially me). This IS meant to be a friendly forum, and we should be treating each other with respect. So if you want to try and 'expose' me for things I have said in the past, go right ahead. I have nothing to hide. I can't change who I was yesterday, but I can strive to make myself a better man today. Every day is a gift, and God has all of our days numbered. There's no telling when the end will be. We should make every day count. We should never expect tomorrow, because we are never promised even another second.

I'm back on Mypal (version 28.1.0 at the moment) and sticking with it now, so you can disregard any other statements I've made about any other browsers. That's the only one I'll be using on XP from hereon in. I'm done relying on synthetic tests to gauge the usability and value of a browser. The real litmus test is whether or not it works for your needs, and Mypal does what I need it to. I pray that whatever browser (or browsers, as the case may also be) you use will do what you need them to as well. God bless you. I'm not perfect, but I am grateful knowing that I am saved through the precious blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed for my sins.

OK, well I'm pleased to hear that you recognise your original response to me was a classic case of transference and I'm grateful for your apology, but I really don't appreciate the religion/evangelism that you brought into it. Somebody once said, "never spoil a good apology with excuses." I've always found that to be good advice.

You refer to the tone of my initial posts. I made two posts, the first in which I tried to offer some help to the OP while at the same time observing that nothing had been heard from the OP in recent months - the thread had descended into some sort of flamewar about Linux. My second post pointed out that a browser you had previously recommended was developed in Russia - an important fact IMHO which you had chosen to omit when singing its praises - which I felt I should highlight to any others reading this thread who might be swayed into trying out Maxthon based on your post. I had no other agenda in either post and don't consider I used any sort of "tone".

If you are genuinely interested in addressing your "attitude", I would strongly suggest you consider seeing a therapist. That is meant as genuine advice and not as some sort of personal attack.
crazy.... I see a mention of the Pale moon browser!....I run XP in virtual machines for certain software I wrote for XP... and a Puppy Linux Bionic64 is the host OS. "I come from a SunOS background" for you all I will say is "not impressed" and your claim of expertise in Linux with that as a credential is rather weak. I have been using Palemoon on the XP virtual machine with relatively good success dealing with most web content.