XP will not boot past pre-logon wallpaper

I cannot get Windows to boot past the Windows XP Professional wallpaper that appears after the boot screen but before the welcome screen. Booting into safe mode causes Windows to hang at a black screen after it loads the drivers.
read through warnings, and if you have an install cd, you can do a repair

do a system restore from the recovery console

use hiren's boot disc or a linux disc to see the drive and check if any error messages have been put in the event viewer on the afflicted drive.

could be several causes, infection, added hardware/software, corruption somewhere, I always like to run chkdsk from the recovery console and then try other solutions if my issue is not solved.

chkdsk c: /r

use above if you run the recovery console and do it at least twice and see if you can now boot, and if not then do one of the above, and let me know what happens at each step. :)
My XP disc skips the welcome to setup screen where I could press R for Recovery Console. It goes straight to the screen to select the partition for XP setup.

Ran chkdsk on XP Partition from win7 twice, no problems

I made a WinPE disc a while ago. Would it work or do I need Hiren's boot dvd or Linux disc?
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the winpe disc should work, if your disc skips the page where you can press r for recovery console, then your disc is not a full install disc, and the screen where you can select to partition xp is the screen you want to get to a repair install. please read the link from michael stevens tech on doing a repair or rather read the one below it has pictures and might be a little more clear:



not sure of the checkdisk from win7, is it the recovery console for win7 or the recovery console for xp?? are they the same??
If xp checkdisk is ok, then we can try the other steps in my last reply.

NOTE:, a repair install will set the OS to what ever service pack is on the install disc, so unless you have sp3 slipstreamed onto your cd (unless your system is 64bit, then you stay on sp2), all programs will have to be reinstalled.
When I finally got to the recovery console, it crashed with a 7b bsod
Moved the needed files for system restore in winpe, didn't work
I also forgot to mention that plugging anything into a USB port triggers either a 7e bsod or a fc bsod
I will try repair install tomorrow, see what happens

read through above on the 7b error


both the 7e (left side) and the Fc (right side) can be looked at here


above on a memory dump, I am not sure how to read a memory dump, but it would help to see if any certain files are listed.

Are you able to boot to a disc with hiren's or bart's winpe and can you see your drive??

as in the above references, see if you can download the memory dump and check to see if anything is in event viewer, and if there are 0 (zero) kb in bad sectors from the checkdisk then the drive should be fine, you should test the memory with memtest 86+


also if you can see the drive, then look in device manager and you might have to uninstall/reinstall the usb ports.
I replaced the usb drivers with the originals, now it does not show BSOD, but the boot process locks up in the same place.
I saw my drive in winpe.
Can't open the event viewer files, it says that the data is invalid
could you verify that the event log service was running??

since you can see the drive, what user are you logging in with??

open with the administrator not any other user and see if this lets you open the event viewer

how long does the window hang when you try to boot to safe mode??

and does it do this for all the safe mode entries, such as, safe mode with networking and safe mode with command prompt??

if you can get it to open with safe mode with command prompt see what happens when you type in explorer.exe

to clarify, you can see the drive, can you see your documents and download them to a flash drive?? as you might have to reinstall the os.
how are you logged on if you cannot boot to the welcome screen??
I did a repair install when I couldn't verify the service was running through services.msc
I also randomly rundll32 runtime errors (This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way)
since you are logged in,then it would be best to do a clean install after getting your data off the drive.

you can use portable update to download all your updates (online) and then install offline , instructions.


above has several unofficial sites for xp sp4, which you can download.

I use portable updates, this takes care of about 80% of the updates and then I go to microsoft updates and get the rest that are needed and require that you have genuine windows installed.


I recommend reinstall as it seems I cannot find what exactly is disrupting your system now.