XP Tweaks

Hi all
Here are some custom tweaks for
To open windows explorer with c: drive expanded create a shortcut on your desktop right click on it and select properties; change the target to:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e,/select,c:

Copy and paste the above target

TO REMOVE “My” from My docs
Start>Run> copy and paste the command below, Click ok and you will receive a message informing you it was successful

Regsvr32 /u mydocs.dll


To Open windows explorer expanded

Go to:
Click on shell and modify default value of this key to explore in the right pane
And close registry editor
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How to get latest updates for POSReady2009 (XP SP3 only):

Type this into notepad and save as posupdate.reg, then open the file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



This will work until 2019. About 30 updates minimum will appear)