XP; the most user friendly OS?

With a number of photo folders, I like sometimes to 'view as slide show' under picture tasks. On some folders the pane doesn't show 'picture tasks'

I have another problem (stop it - I have loads of problems). When scanning, (it might be Epsonscan or Photoshop Elements), the page is displayed too large for the screen, meaning I can't see a 'print' button.

On both of these matters, HELP!
xp pro or home or media center edition?

fully updated??

any error messages??

go to event viewer:

start/run/ type in eventvwr.msc

open each directory and look for any errors around the time of the event

you should also clear your events by right clicking on the directory and choosing clear all events, you will be given the option to save the events this will be your choice, yes or no.

also when you see an event with an error you can double click on it for more detailed info, and let me know what the source code and event id are.
That's one thing that I always wished XP had had.....a way of moving screens around that are too big for the display.

I run Puppy Linux, alongside XP. One standard feature across all Linux distros is the ability to do just this. Click on your screen (anywhere) and hold; press Left Alt (and hold). A 4 way arrow appears, and you can move the thing around wherever you like, until you've uncovered the bits you want!

Don't know how ya do it in XP, though...

Mike. ;)
if you hover on an edge of frame a 2headed black arrow appears and you can move in to decrease or out to increase, this option is not available with every window, some programs have their size set and cannot be changed.

However if you are not in safe mode, and your video driver is on the latest driver, then you should at least be at 1024 x 768