XP SP3 Windows Update runs forever

Hi everybody, my XP3 SP3 (POSready 2009 registry hack) is not able to update any longer through the manual Windows Update. The windows update screen loads fine, and when I click on "custom" as I always have for years, "Checking for the latest updates for your computer..." and the green scrolling bar runs for hours until I turn off the computer. My last successful update was 2 or 3 weeks ago. Since then I ran Microsoft Fixit 50202 and tweaking.com windows repair. Still nothing... Is the server down at microsoft? I have Avast free which I turn off while trying to update, and connect o the internet through a router.
Yes only the last one it's cumulative. I had to do it this way for over a year now must be something going on with Windows update. Your welcome......
"My last successful update was 2 or 3 weeks ago."
I believe that POSready 2009 updates are once a month.
I read that turning off updates then turning updates back on will force an update check