XP SP2 Internet

Hi all. I have a little problem. I have one NETbook (HP mini 210) with windows 7 starter edition and i created a wifi hotspot using Connectify. On android phone i can connect with no problem... Then i have a second notebook (Fujitsu Siemens) with windows xp sp 2 and here is the problem. I cannot connect to the Connectify hotspot AND when i plug the internet cable into that Fujitsu than i have no internet either. He only searches and than he say that he cannot connect... Is there any solution except reinstalling windows? Please help. Thanks in advance
is your xp system 64bit or 32 bit?

does device manager have any yellow exclamation points next to any drivers?

and give me the model number of the fugitsu siemens.
Sorry I apologize but the first i put on wrong thread.
Model is Amilo M1451G
it is 32bit Home
Device manager dont show any warnings, even after Scanning for HW changes
Tried almost everything - reinstalling drivers, TCP/IP settings and so on...
first uninstall the ethernet network driver, reboot, and then let windows install, then see if you can connect with an ethernet cable.

if this gets you internet connection, then you can go to wireless and do the same above, only in the wireless settings allow windows to make your wireless connections
so here are the results : i uninstalled through device manager the 1394 Adapter, Ethernet and Wireless drivers, rebooted, let windows install and no luck. Still the same. But i noticed something. When i plug in the ethernet cable there should be that white light, but there isnt. Can that be the problem?

above websites have ethernet drivers for the pc, first has lots of drivers and you will have to see what is installed on your pc, the second I would try first, download from a working pc and then install on your notebook.

1394 adapter is a built-in and is not a network connection, read THIS to become familiar with it


above is courtesy of Mike_Walsh and you need to download sp3 and install as you are woefully out of date. if IE8 is not installed then you will need to download and install and then go to microsoft updates to get all the updates up to and including 2014, there are a lot. :)

HERE is my onedrive and you can download microsoft's IE8 (16.1 MB size) and several ie8 updates and then install as microsoft updates will not work without sp3 and ie8, and also go to start/ run/ type in msiexec this will give you the version of microsofts installer, it should be 4.5, if it is not at the same page you can download it along with ie8 and install.
so dear Elizabeth. I think you not gonna like this... I was a little faster and didnt waited for your response. So i installed Win 7 on that pc and now i know for sure that ethernet and wireless dont work because they didnt work either on that win 7... but to make it worse, to install xp on win 7 is quite a work... the opticat drive dont work too... so i made a win xp bootable usb and when i sticked it in (and ofc setup bios to take removable drives first) it always skipped the usb and continue to boot win 7... so i downloaded easy cbd, but that didnt work too... then i installed rufus and voila it took my bootable usb BUT just to be black screen with that blinking _ _ _ _ ... after an hour i shut it off... later i accidentaly turned on GRUB on easyCBD and from that time i am unable to boot anything... only GRUB... and that is my end... can i ask you for some tips how to get through? HUUUGE THANKS in advance...
you have to run the recovery console from the xp install media and use fixmbr and then fixboot, so that and then get back to me.
if you have xp on a usb, then go to bios, (most use F2 immediatly after pc turns on, start tapping F2 to get into bios) set boot sequence to usb first, then when setup opens select R for recovery console, are your drives sata? if so then it will not work with xp install media unless you have sata controllers slipstreamed into your install media with n-lite, you might have to use Hiren's boot disk to run this as it does not care whether your drive is sata or ide. you would have to burn the iso to a usb drive from a working pc



discussions on hirens
i thank you for this but as i mentioned that it will not let me boot from usb even if i have bootable usb made... even if i press F12 (which is for boot setup) it just skip it and continue on its own (with win start) with that GRUB... i made it only once and even that it stopped on that blinking underdash ( _ )... so any other solutions? (win 7 was installed from running win XP)

Any way i am doing that setup you posted me... I will let you know how it went....

EDIT : so i did everything what you posted me as it was written there... went to bios > set usb as first boot and it just loaded GRUB... so restart and F12 to select it manually and in the boot selection there is NO removable device shown... when i used rufus earlier and pressed F12 for BBS popup - it was there but stopped on that DOS window with that _ _ _... so any other suggestions?
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Soooo dear Elizabeth. Finaly i managed to get that Fujitsu up and runing thanks to Easy Recovery Essentials from NeoSmart... :D Now to get to that downgrading to Win XP... How can i manage that?
what was on the pc originally?

if you have a bootable usb with xp then you can install it, by going to the bios (with the usb attached and all peripherals removed except for monitor, mouse and keyboard) and change bios to boot from usb, you should get a black screen saying press any key to boot.
it depends on what you have a license for if you had xp home and use and OEM install media, then you have to install the original os, if you have a product key for xp pro then you can install that. you can slipstream sp3 onto your install media or install xp sp2 and then add sp3 after installation.
ok thanks a lot and thanks for your patience with me :D the internet i solved by using USB wifi... And again thanks a lot