XP SP2: IE7 can't browse - WiFi Nets aren't managed by win

Hi all,
On a friend old PC with XP SP2 I notice two issues:

1. Internet Explorer 7 can't open any web pages.
There are non problems by using any other browser like chrome. So It isn't a network issue. What could be the matter?

2. I want windows to manage wirless networks, but any time I reboot the PC I have to manually change that in advanced option, there must be a program that interfere with wireless connctions.

My friend doesn't have any router, he usually use an USB dongle with a mobile isp (called "3") to go online... But now that I have his notebook in my home, I'm using my wifi lan.
If I don't select the above advanced option (manage wireless nets with window), I can't view any wireless network.
I uninstalled all antivirses.. tha's a strange behaviour, I suspect there is some other app tha want to manage wifi connections.
What program could be?

Thanks in advance! :)
Issue number 2 solved: Atheros Client Utility had control over wireless network.
Uninstalled it and now Windows can show and connect to wifi networks just fine.

As regard web surfin' with IE7, I noticed that it can reach some pages like msn.com. But no web browsing out of them, no google nor other adresses etc..
Why this limitation?
Is there any configuration that block itself cause it is out of date and it is running on XP-SP2, out of updates and support system?

How could I solve?

- What was the problem:
XP SP2 has no support to SHA2 and many SSL sites have migrated their certificated from deprecated SHA1 certificates to SHA2 algorithm. They refuse request from a system not using SHA2 algorithm.

- Solutions:

  1. Upgrade to SP3
  2. Copy from a SP3 offline package the files: "crypt32.dll" and "rsaenh.dll", and replaces the ones in "C:\WINDOWS\System32" directory with those new versions.

I've tested the second way, and it works. But then I finally upgraded to the last SP3...

After upgrading also MSE security suite can be installed just fine.
Certainly, I suggested user to browse web by using one indipendent browser, I installed two alternatives:
1. Firefox
2. Chromium (portable version 49.x)

But this was not a solution to fix lack of SHA2 SSL support in XP SP2. The question was why IE7 doesn't work almost at all on XP SP2.... I didn't need just a suggest about an other browser, I interested in understanding where the issue exactly was.
So I looked around and found the above solutions.

Thank you anyway! :):)