XP Running very slow -- Conflict with Kaspersky Security?


I have recently installed Windows XP-Pro on an old laptop. It seems to be working OK, and I
have installed updates when prompted. I have also installed Kaspersky Total Security.

However, everything is running VERY slowly.
The Task Manager shows CPU usage is high, sometimes 100%.
It seems to be dominated by processes: msiexec.exe and avp.exe, especially the latter -- I have no idea what these are.
I am not running any other programs.
Also, it seems to be accessing the hard drive most of the time, which I suspect indicates a problem.

I am wondering if there is conflict between KTS and Windows own Security.
Should I turn off all the Windows security options?
Or maybe my problems are nothing to do with KTS ?

Many thanks for any advice. Ken.
avp.exe is kaspersky, it might be giving problems as I am not sure that kaspersky supports xp anymore, you might check with them.

File: msiexec.exe. This is Microsoft's Windows Installer program, which processes product installation files in the.MSI format. It normally appears only when invoked by double-clicking on a .MSI file (or having one run automatically as part of an installation process.)

do you have auto updates turned on?

end process on both of these and see what is happening, also what errors are in event viewer pertaining to these two items.?
Thanks for reply.
I have posted this problem also on Kaspersky forum. Their reply suggests I might be
running out of virtual memory, possibly made worse by Kaspersky.
I think auto-updates is on; I will check, and turn off.
I was reluctant to terminate processes which I did not understand, but now will follow
your suggestion and end them.