XP Rescue Guy needs basic help?

Hello. I think of myself as an XP Rescue. Everyone gives their XP's to me. I have a Windows 10 but I still keep the XP's plugging along. Until 2019 anyway and I don't know what I'll do with them then. 4 of them. I guess they are trash.

This one a friend gave me it boots up on my name as admin and a dedicated admin. I have to choose. No password. I can't get it to just boot up on my account. I've used Tweak UI but that hasn't the right option under LOGON. I've looked at various register tweaks but when I go down thru the registry the places they name are not there.

I just want it to boot up on my account, which is an admin, and not the account called admin with no password. I do not have to use a password at this time. Any help there?

Thanks! jack ":-Dx :confused:
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why don't you boot to something like linux or hiren's boot cd and change the password and or delete the account that you do not want??
why don't you boot to something like linux or hiren's boot cd and change the password and or delete the account that you do not want??

The account that I do not want to use is called Administrator. You can't delete that account. The account I want to use is under my name as and administrator. But when the logon screen comes on there's always the choice between the 2. I have to take the time to choose when I always want the administrator account in my name. I'm looking for a way to bypass all that and just start up with my account in my name. Logging off my account will not insure it boots up on my account. It always comes to the choices again. Thanks :D !
If there are no other accounts but yours and the built in administrator, then go to user accounts and choose to use the welcome screen and it will boot up to desktop without the choice. :)

I only have my account which is also a computer administrator and I go directly to desktop each time.