XP Professional 64bit

Hello all,

Tried XP Professional 64bit on my "new" road kill PC.

XP 64bit is slightly "picky" about which tried and true 32bit programs it will run and driver support is out there but not for everything.

XP 64bit lags behind Vista in my humble opinion and cannot hold a candle to Windows 7. (all 64bit). Certainly XP 64bit is fast but not all that stable. (well for me anyway).

So, even though I am now running a 64bit machine I am quite happy to have my old favourite OS on it, XP Home 32bit. Oh, XP Home as I have it set up looks nothing like XP Home.

Cheers from Aunty Jack.
Actually Aunty Jack, my best overall user experience has been with Windows XP x64 Edition, hands down! You do require a machine type and hardware that it supports. I ran it with an HP xw8200 Workstation for three years, which is my dual Xeon machine. You'll find professional workstation type machines from mid decade (2004 to 2010) to be the best bet. And for those machines, you'll find XP x64 Edition actually has included drivers for hardware that XP x86 (32-bit) doesn't, especially for RAID and SCSI subsystems.

And yes, setting up some 32-bit apps may be tricky, though I never experienced much of an issue. You can use the 64-bit MSE install for Vista/7 on XP x64 Edition (as it works on Windows Server 2003 as well). But once you're all setup and customized on supported hardware, XP x64 Edition may be the most wonderful XP-/2003 style computing experience you can possibly muster.

It is, contrary to what you've said, extremely stable. It is Windows Server 2003 after all in reality. Plus there is a good source of supported updates converted from Server 2003.

I'm curious as to what instabilities you ran into. There are some setup hiccups, but once that is set aside, stability should be one of 64-bit XP's plusses.

Persistence and actually understanding - that is what I have been lacking with the change from XP 32 bit to XP 64 bit. Jody Thornton, I take what you say and learn and thank you.

The only area where XP Pro 64 bit is a little, "thingy" is with antivirus programs. Not XP 64's fault. Some antivirus vendors do not cater for XP 64 bit. But, yeee haaaaa. !. Avira does and very well indeed.

Fast, whoosh !. On my hand built "road kill" PC XP 64 is instant with everything. Even Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (quite a heavyweight in terms of resources needed) runs smoothly with every option turned up to the maximum.

XP Pro 64 bit is to me like having a brand new OS but with the old familiar faces still there.


Aunty Jack.