XP-Pro SP3 Reactivation after Cloning to SSD

I'd like to upgrade my Dell Latitude D650 laptop with an SSD. XP-Pro SP3 is still running well, and all the apps are updated regularly (even though XP has been orphaned). The original Hitachi 120 GB HDD has performed admirably since 2007, but is overdue for a crash.
I'm thinking of using Acronis True Image to Clone the Hitachi thru the Laptop's USB 2 connection. I've already resurrected the XP Product Code with Speccy & double checked it with Belarc.
I've got 3 Questions:
#1 - Will I have to re-activate XP-Pro once it resides on the SSD with a call to Microsoft?
#2 - Does Microsoft even provide re-activation service since they've Orphaned XP?
#3 - Is the product key the only thing I'll need after all (no need to call MS)?

read above on upgrading to an ssd


for activation:

Create the Activation Status

Navigate to system32 folder.
Copy the wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files
Reinstall XP in the normal manner
Restart the computer and use the F8 key to bring up the Advanced Boot Options
Select Minimal Safe Mode using Up and Down Arrow Keys and press Enter.
Navigate to system32 folder.
Rename the existing wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files.
Copy the previously backed up wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files to the system32 folder.
Reboot the computer.

if you do the above then you will not have to activate, or if it says activate online, then it will read the replacement files and you will be good to go. I do this every time I reinstall.
Elizabeth23 - Much as I'd "like" to brush up on my DOS command line skills, I am still wondering if the original XP-Pro Product Key would allow me to skip the system32 file swap-outs you recommend during initial startup.
Also - will Microsoft still require me to contact their Mother Ship to get re-activation clearance via the Telephone?
If you use an OEM reinstall disk, you should not even have to activate, and your product key is good until you change parts in the pc, after that you have to go through microsoft to prove that it is the same pc with new parts.

I have not used the phone, I have always done it on line if I have to activate at all, so yes you will still have to activate and the product key on the side of the pc or on the cd case will be the one you need.
I can confirm the online activation servers are still working: I activated a copy of XP two days ago.

Good luck if you have to contact M/s by phone: I have never found them willing to honour activation when online has baulked because of component changes. This is the third purchased copy of XP I have had to obtain for this machine!

It is Microsoft's 'helpfulness' which originally drove me to Linux!
priscus - Thank you for verifying Online Activation still works for XP!

Now - if I can only find a way to initiate TRIM commands when running XP . . .