xp, installing a western digital hardrive from win7 pc

my win7 PC got damaged beyond repair, i removed the hard drive and installed in into my xp PC, have connected it via the sata lead and connected up the power lead, xp is showing it as drive( I ), can anyone help re any advice as to drivers and if i need to download anything further, i read i need Acronis True Image WD Edition software that assists you with
your hard drive installation and management, do i need this ? the hard drive was used previously as win7 in the previous pc, appreciate any advice, i have got as far as booting the pc to see if it shows in hardware, and can hear the hard-drive running but not gone any further, any advice please,
You might try using XP's "Disk Management" and reformat the drive if it's not going to be your "C" drive. If it is going to be your "C" drive then do a new XP install using your XP install disk. In eaither event you'll lose any data on the drive.