XP Home won't boot

Hi all.
I am new to these forums and I have a netbook with XP Home 32-bit ULCPC.I've encountered a problem with my XP. Whenever I select "Windows XP Home Edition" or "Windows XP Home Edition (TuneUp Backup)", I just see a blank screen (it's black, so it can't be the Blue Screen Of Death)
Please help... :confused:
Make sure you check the date of the message you are replying to, some of these posts are very old. This thread was posted March 17 2011 so they will never see your replies.
Make sure you check the date of the message you are replying to, some of these posts are very old. This thread was posted March 17 2011 so they will never see your replies.
Damn I didnt even realize, I saw the last post was from August so I thought its a pretty new post, it might be read one day! :p
Yeah lol but sometimes I reply anyways so people that land here from a search engine can view the solution, it still may help someone run XP!