XP doesn't read correct size of my hard drive

I have XP sp3 and a 500 gig hard drive . I like to collect videos of concerts and I am up to 475 gigs on my main drive where the system also resides. 200 gigs of that are videos, the rest are MP3s.
I also have a 2 TB external drive so when I saw that the main drive was almost full I moved my videos to the external drive. To my surprise XP under the c: drive properties still shows 475 gigs used....no change!
Then I went into the folder of the C:drive then I selected to show hidden files and I select everything in it.After that I opened properties and the result was 278 gigs used which sounds about right.
My questions are the following:
#1: Is that fixable for someone like me who doesn't have a computer science degree?
#2: If I accumulate an additional 25 gigs will the computer then see the disk as full?
#3: If that happens will I have problems or is there some workaround?

My system is not FAT but the other one NTFS ( is that it?) I would very much prefer if there was a way to avoid having to reinstall windows and start over.
Can you guys help me?
read above, there is evidently a special way to move music files to a new drive.

let me know if it helps

and also, windows requires at least 15% minimum to operate , if it is not there lots of programs will not work because there is no space.

Thanks for trying to help. My question had nothing to do with moving my I tunes library.
And yes I know about the need for windows to have a certain amount of space, I just wasn't sure how windows determines how much space there is. Like I said The C:drive reads one thing and the content when I select it reads the correct space.
As it turns out, it may be a Rollback RX issue. I didn't mention I had this program installed because I didn't think it mattered. RX is a program that takes snapshots and saves them as restore points. I'm going to set a new baseline once i know everything on my hard drive is good. Then I can delete the old restore points and then the drive space might be back.I hope :)