XP cdrom not working... where to download new one?


I have an original XP cdrom with product key, but the cdrom is quite old and is not functioning. I tried searching on microsoft portal for an Iso file..but I simple got lost ...

Can any one help me? where can I download an isofile?

thank you!
your question is unclear, is the drive not functioning? you do not need a product key, go to your manufacturer's website and look for a new drive that will match the specifacations of your pc.
If you are talking about your installation cd, what are you trying to do? reinstall os?
what exact ISO file are you searching for?
Finally, what is the issue you are facing.
I have to reinstall xp, but the cdrom is not working.
the laptop manufacturer charges 35euro for a cdrom with XP.

as I have the product key, how can I get an iso file with XP home edition?

thank you!