XP and Netsh

Please excuse my fumblings if the following causes any confusion:
Setup: I have set up a VPN tunnel using OpenVPN client to a server and it connects/works OK, XP SP3 and OpenVPN 2.3.18 client.
On testing it for leaks it showed that it had DNS leaks, so attempted to use the utility 'dnsleakfix' for XP as suggested to resolve this issue, flushes dns cache etc via VB scripts and batch files. The outcome was it still leaked, a manual procedure is shown for undertaking same process but using the Netsh utility, well thereby stands a tale.
Question: On using Netsh it does not recognise some of the commands directed to use, ie. set dnsserver, ipv4 etc. I presumed the helpers DLL for these switches are missing/lost/never there.

Request: Can one of you helpful GURU's confirm for me that this utility is able to undertake these commands etc., do I need a revised version, does XP support this or am I just going to have to look at a resolution some other way.

Your help would be most appreciated
Sorry for the delay Elizabeth23 holidays and all that, thanks for your response I will definately review the items you suggest