x64 registry files

I am interested in manually compressing the registry and defraging it's files. Now this was easy to do with win 98 (DOS 7). user.dat and system.dat. here with XP things are different. There are about 6 files and .log files and .save files and event handler files .Evt. Now can I rename these files and XP recreate them during a defrag and the renamed reg file be defragged. Then name them back to there old names? In win98, The two .dat files could be erased and the registry editor would recreate them after a .reg file with a header was imported.

I don't want any files with tweaks and all. I don't know to trust them.

Mark R. has many utilities that he developed,

but I see it is for 32bit, and your's is 64bit correct?

in that case you can download defraggler from piriform.com


which also has an option to defrag at boottime for pagefile and event viewer.

Just a note, I have my pc set up to clear page file at shutdown and I review my event viewer and after review I clear all events, so I do not have any defragmenting to do with these files.

I am still checking on registry defragging, I was under the belief that for xp and up defragging the registry was not necessary, will try to confirm that and post back.

read below on page defrag says does not defrag registry but does list NTREGOPT to
defrag registry



read the following links discussing the registry:

Courtesy of PA Bear:

TIP: If you ever again think your Registry needs to be cleaned, repaired, boosted, tuned-up, cured, tweaked, fixed, maximized, "swept" or optimised (it doesn't), read http://chris.pirillo.com/are-registr...s-safe-to-use/



then draw your own conclusions. Also see

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NTRegOpt and Auslogics Registry Defragmentation tools work on XPx64 and are aware of the 64 bit keys. I ran it that way for nearly three years.