WPA2 Ineffective

Just sparked up a Raspberry Pi, which baulked: infinite loop showing initialising which did not move on.

Quick Google revealed that they do that if their internet connection is through a network switch, which this is. I could have plugged straight into router, but room in which it is situated is too cold for me to work in comfort today.

So, I plugged a nano USB WIFI adaptor into the Pi, and off it went: downloaded and installed operating system.

It did so WITHOUT requesting that I enter the WPA2 security code.

Also I did not press wireless connect button on router, nor was I prompted to do.

This device (both Pi, and nano adaptor) has no prior association with myself. It could have been anyone, with any old Raspberry Pi.

I have checked all my other devices, and they need to have WPA2 code entered to make connection, so the WPA2 fuction of the router IS WORKING!

The nano adaptor says it has something called "Smart EZmax setup wizard" so maybe that rather than the PI is responsible, but it never prompted me for any set up information.
Well, I checked this out, and it is behaving as meant to.

References say - You will have to configure your wireless adaptor later in Linux, but for now it is not necessary.

This is obviously a boon, as most other times when facing this, have to have an Ethernet link to download an OS, which then has that which is needed for establishing the wireless connectivity.

However, my concern is, if the author of Pi's boot utilities can so easily overcome the necessity for WPA" encryption, and establish internet connection without any security password on my internet gateway, then I must presume anyone who wants to similarly do so, is able to if they can get their hands on the appropriate code. Something which villains so often seem to have very little difficulty doing.