WinXP EFS: can it read/process EFS files made on Win7 or Win10?

Hi all,
I have a WinXP box that works with EFS files just fine, as long as the files are created on WinXP boxes.
I also have Win7 and Win10 boxes whose EFS files are fully interoperable.
The Win7 and Win10 boxes can work with EFS files that were created on the WinXP box.
But the WinXP box can't seem to work with EFS files from the newer OSs.
I've installed keys and certificates the same way on all machines, and have done the Group Policy Editor thing.

Does anyone here have an example where "newer" EFS files can be processed on a WinXP box?

Thanks in advance.

I just spun up a different WinXP Pro box (32 bit, just like the one that didn't work) and for some reason it IS able to work just fine with the Win7 or Win10 EFS files.

So...this is some sort of configuration issue on that original box.