"Windows XP Still more popular with businesses than 10"


Windows XP still has a higher user-rate with businesses than 10, according to BetaNews.

Not a surprise. Windows 10 is *not* userfriendly for businesses and hardly for regular users.
Hardly surprising, with 2020 end of support for Win7, in the interim, the point of Win10 was never about catering to businesses, but shoving the Windows Store down as many consumers throats as possible. MS will get serious with businesses again approaching 2020...
Not surprised, Windows 10 is absolutely terrible, and I bet you if it wasn't free for a year, it would have failed just like Windows 8.
I like Windows 10, but I can see why businesses are sticking to Windows XP, since 10 has a lack of freedom, at least that's how I feel about it anyway.
So Microsoft's "Beautiful" Creators Update which is basically just a hip term this generation for service pack is now available on 10. Apparently according to reviews it "Fixes a TON of issues". Does it fix that its not XP? :D
I was with the wife in our local shopping centre yesterday and was reading the ad screen for the multiplex cinema. Suddenly on 3 of their 6 screens flashed up an error message that the programme running the advertising had stopped working. The familiar green start button was there in the bottom left corner with the little windows logo on it and the green hill and blue sky were also visible behind the error message. 2nd May 2017 and Windoze 10 isnt coming soon to that cinema!
I was with the wife in our local shopping centre yesterday and was reading the ad screen for the multiplex cinema. Suddenly on 3 of their 6 screens flashed up an error message that the programme running the advertising had stopped working. The familiar green start button was there in the bottom left corner with the little windows logo on it and the green hill and blue sky were also visible behind the error message. 2nd May 2017 and Windoze 10 isnt coming soon to that cinema!
Better that way. They don't want to be midway through Batman 2020 or something huge then all of a sudden Windows 10 force reboots because it forced updates. Microsoft doesn't THINK about the big picture on what this crap does to peoples businesses. I was in the hospital recently and the computer that the nurse was using to get my insurance information randomly rebooted midway through and screwed up my information.