I go into Control Panel > left pane > Windows Update. Internet Explorer 6 opens, but displays nothing other than the URL (http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=Win2000&ar=WinUpdate).
IE seems to be functioning normally. For instance, a search works OK at google.com.
I tried entering the URL (above) into Opera, but there the URL was converted into something entirely different. I'm guessing that, in any case, Microsoft didn't want people using anything other than IE to access Windows Update.
I'm just in the process of updating this old WinXP installation, recently restored from a backup drive image. The attached log file contains the details.
IE seems to be functioning normally. For instance, a search works OK at google.com.
I tried entering the URL (above) into Opera, but there the URL was converted into something entirely different. I'm guessing that, in any case, Microsoft didn't want people using anything other than IE to access Windows Update.
I'm just in the process of updating this old WinXP installation, recently restored from a backup drive image. The attached log file contains the details.