Windows XP Pro re-activation

How can I reactivate WIndows XP Pro if there are no longer Servers to connect to?

Here's my problem:
The old Motherboard (mcp61) for the Windows XP PC died so I found a tower with another Motherboard (AsRock Wolfdale1333-667) and moved the Hard drive to it. It boots fine but then it shows that Windows isn't activated, something that didn't happen with the other Tower/Motherboard. I've tried the oobe trick, etc. but to no avail. It still wants to activate but refuses the original serial key and others. After all these years, isn't it ridiculous that MS wants to be greedy and forces you to reactivate an OS you already activated eons ago?

And no, I can't format it because the old software (analytical stuff) can't be found.
you will have to go the telephone route, BUT a new motherboard means you need a new product key, did the tower you put your harddrive in have a coa sticker on the case, ? if it is an oem pc then the coa sticker product key is still viable
you will have to go the telephone route, BUT a new motherboard means you need a new product key, did the tower you put your harddrive in have a coa sticker on the case, ? if it is an oem pc then the coa sticker product key is still viable

Is the Telephone option still available? I thought that was phased out. I will try that option. Any other option available, like cracking a phased out OS?

Yes, the "new" Tower has a sticker with another Product Key.
No need a new key, even after the mobo is replaced as it works anyways :)
Infact the online option still works fine as long as hou have TLS 1.2 and AES 256-Bit support
you will have to go the telephone route, BUT a new motherboard means you need a new product key, did the tower you put your harddrive in have a coa sticker on the case, ? if it is an oem pc then the coa sticker product key is still viable

Finally, I managed to activate Windows XP PRO via the telephone option. It was tedious at first but I managed to survive the whole deal. Gave the PC to the interested party. Now let's see if the analytical instrument will work with the "new" PC.

Thanks for your help!
iotriton: do the following and you will not have to worry about activation, the first time you go online after a fresh install with all the updates and it asks to activate, say yes to online and it will do it's thing and come back activated, the files below work for oem install not sure about a self made pc but should work the same. :)

Create the Activation Status

Navigate to system32 folder.

Copy the wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files

Reinstall XP in the normal manner

Restart the computer and use the F8 key to bring up the Advanced Boot Options

Select Minimal Safe Mode using Up and Down Arrow Keys and press Enter.

Navigate to system32 folder.

Rename the existing wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files.

Copy the previously backed up wpa.dbl and wpa.bak files to the system32 folder.

Reboot the computer.
That's messed up. I remember an reading an article that quoted a MS spokesperson as saying the XP activation servers would not be turned off. And what happens when (not if) they turn off the phone support for XP? And Windows 7 will be next...

I know how to get an XP virtual machine activated (illegally) but would have to do some searching to find out how to get a natively installed XP activated (illegally).

I have 3 XP boxes on the shelf that need reinstallation and activation. It's insane if I'll have to use illegal methods to activate them when I have legally purchased licenses. Make one have no respect for copyrights when the holders do crap like this.

"Infact the online option still works fine as long as hou have TLS 1.2 and AES 256-Bit support"

Are those patches that need to be installed? Would you have the KB article numbers for them?
Personally, I don't know why on earth you're getting all worked-up about 'legal' activation. MyCrudSoft no longer give a shit about XP, and neither does anybody else.

There's plenty of 'cracked' versions out there that'll do what you want, and give years of reliable service. There's this 'air of mystery' that's always surrounded Windows; I don't know why.....when all's said & done, it's only a ridiculously over-engineered OS. And computer OSs are ten a penny if you scour the web.

IMHO, the best thing to do is to use XP 'offline' for your cherished/age-related apps/programs that you want to keep, and to use a lightweight Linux OS as a daily driver.....and for secure browsing, banking, etc. There's hundreds to choose from, and the majority are now very, very easy to install and to use. The 'hard-core geek' image is a thing of the past.....Linux distros are trying their very hardest to attract your average Joe nowadays, and that means lots of wizards, plenty of 'tooltips', easy ways to install anything you can imagine, etc.

They want your 'custom'..!

Just my two-penn'orth, FWIW.

Mike. ;)
Personally, I don't know why on earth you're getting all worked-up about 'legal' activation. MyCrudSoft no longer give a shit about XP, and neither does anybody else.

There's plenty of 'cracked' versions out there that'll do what you want, and give years of reliable service. There's this 'air of mystery' that's always surrounded Windows; I don't know why.....when all's said & done, it's only a ridiculously over-engineered OS. And computer OSs are ten a penny if you scour the web.

IMHO, the best thing to do is to use XP 'offline' for your cherished/age-related apps/programs that you want to keep, and to use a lightweight Linux OS as a daily driver.....and for secure browsing, banking, etc. There's hundreds to choose from, and the majority are now very, very easy to install and to use. The 'hard-core geek' image is a thing of the past.....Linux distros are trying their very hardest to attract your average Joe nowadays, and that means lots of wizards, plenty of 'tooltips', easy ways to install anything you can imagine, etc.

They want your 'custom'..!

Just my two-penn'orth, FWIW.

Mike. ;)
Oh no! There are millions who give a substantial amount of "shit" (your term), and who are very passionate and passionate enough to get "all worked up" (your term again), about Windows XP.

This forum, in case you have not noticed, is called "Windows XP Forums". Even this General Discussion forum is described under the title as "General, non-technical support discussion of Windows XP". I wonder what the word 'support' mean to you. My dictionary defines the word as "Keep from falling or sinking", "Enable to last out", "Keep from failing", "Give strength to", "Encourage". What you are doing here is not a "support discussion of XP" but a support discussion of Linux and scorning XP users for good measure. So you see, It is very unbecoming of you, to say the least, to come to this forum and trash Windows XP and trash XP users as well, using words like "shit" and making belittling remarks about "getting all worked-up".

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@ janice:-

If you want to continue struggling with an unwieldy behemoth of an archaic OS, feel free. Don't mind me.

I 'struggled' with XP for the entire duration of its supported lifetime.....all 13 years of it, in addition to 'struggling' with Win 2000, Win98, Win95, Windows 3.1, etc., etc, for over 15 years before that. I have no intentions of 'scorning', or of 'belittling' any member of this Forum; I understand, and sympathise with, the lengths you have to go to in order to keep the thing running smoothly, believe me. And I'm not 'trashing' XP at all; for its time, it was a remarkable feat of software engineering.....but I can't help feeling that if it had been made by anybody else other than MyCrudSoft, it would only have gone from strength to strength......instead of being dustbinned.

All I'm trying to do is to make members aware that there are alternatives out there which are not only 'easy-to-install', and 'easy-to-use', but also easy to maintain, too. And when all's said and done, there's no reason why you can't run both side-by-side; millions do, and enjoy the experience, along with the versatility you gain from having more than one way to approach problems.

I may no longer run any of Redmond's 'products', but I'm having more fun (along with a far greater sense of freedom) this last 5 years, than I did for the whole of the previous 30.....

To each their own.

Mike. ;)
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I run several OSes from DOS to Windows 10. XP is where I get the most work done, but not without the help of Windows 7 and Linux.

Firefox on Linux is my primary web browser + email, running on Windows 7 and viewed/controlled from XP via UltraVNC. Unfortunately, no version of Windows is safe for general web browsing.

See this thread I posted in:
a pc is only as safe as the operator, mostly, :)

I am tasked with fixing PC problems from various sources and agree wholeheartedly. The cause is always issues with the keyboard actuator.

I want to love Linux. I really do. It's a great OS for productivity. You 'Nix guys just aren't PC gamers so you can't relate as to why I begrudgingly use Windows as my primary OS.
Finally, I managed to activate Windows XP PRO via the telephone option. It was tedious at first but I managed to survive the whole deal. Gave the PC to the interested party. Now let's see if the analytical instrument will work with the "new" PC.

Thanks for your help!

Next time you might want to look into just buying a 1TB hardrive with XP or XP Pro preinstalled (and already activated) from Ebay for $80.