Windows XP Modified Versions

as user=modified implies that a user has modified it, this would be on a personal pc and not available for download, unless it is an illegal file sharing.

and why would you want to use an xp modified by someone else?

take your xp after installation, modify it to your liking and then use Acronis True Image to create a disk image and then you will have this to reinstall just as you like it.
Yep I was talking about some illegal stuff.Is it forbidden on this forum?
By the way I don't know how to modify it.I'll search google.
Yep I was talking about some illegal stuff.Is it forbidden on this forum?
By the way I don't know how to modify it.I'll search google.

I don't get it why you would want a modified version,who someone messed with,without knowing what he did to the OS,just for the sake of some bling bling theming,and some fancy name :)
Well I modify my OS all the time, but I would never use a modified version downloaded from the internet, nor would I recommend it. Like Elizabeth said, it's illegal and you can't really know every single change to the OS.

But if you wish to modify it yourself, I'd be happy to help you out (assuming it's nothing illegal). What specifically do you want to modify?
I've never heard of a customized version of Windows other than OEM installations are customized to a certain degree adding other programming to the Windows OS installation.

Lenovo, Dell, HP, etc normally include a customized OEM version of Windows. The OS core is the same. The differences are mainly customization of the Desktop and add-on OE programs.

There are 3rd party replacement shells for the explorer.exe and programs that are able to slim down and create a new installation. I am not sure of the illegalities involved. Some are freeware programs that require an original Windows installation disc (with OEM or retail COA) and will provide options to customize a Windows installation, mostly to slim down the OS. Some include installation presets and are able to perform slip streaming for OS updates.
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modified to me means the changes I make to have xp function to my way

1. disabling or making manual some services

2. deleting extraneous files

3. disabling messenger and outlook express

4. changing registry to have system shutdown programs quicker, clearing page file at shutdown, bypassing login page, disabling simple file sharing, increasing icon cache, installing the recovery console as a boot option, bypassing the admin password in the recovery console, activating the set commands in the recovery console, and a few other things.
modified to me means the changes I make to have xp function to my way

1. disabling or making manual some services

2. deleting extraneous files

3. disabling messenger and outlook express

4. changing registry to have system shutdown programs quicker, clearing page file at shutdown, bypassing login page, disabling simple file sharing, increasing icon cache, installing the recovery console as a boot option, bypassing the admin password in the recovery console, activating the set commands in the recovery console, and a few other things.

Well, yes that is pretty much how I reconfigure Windows to work for what ever application the PC is being used for. Not all PCs are used for the same purpose with the same sort of hardware and software installation.

It was once necessary to reconfigured Windows and DOS machines using ini, config files, and device driver command line switches. An OS normally required manual configuration for display, hard drive, hardware adapters, etc. After installation one usually acquired an intricate detailed view of their PC, OS, hardwares and softwares. But it was often a pita to change anything, add new hardware, software, etc.

Starting with Windows 1.x user friendly Installations was a primary focus and goal with the OS, software programming and hardware design. The results have created a PC with fewer installation and compatibility conflicts that allows one to customize the OS for specific needs while at the same time allowing a user to configure a well rounded PC using various types of hardware, running many different types of applications.
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