Windows XP HD Wallpaper Pack

If you frequent communities such as r/windowsxp, you may have seen this already, but here's a pack of Windows XP wallpapers in HD I made.

It contains many popular wallpapers such as Bliss, Azul, Red moon desert, Vortec space, etc. It also comes with XP Starter Edition wallpapers, along with HD wallpapers from other versions of Windows that were not previously available in HD. Some wallpapers like Autumn and Home aren't present due to them being taken down from Getty Images/Corbis years ago, and I have not had any luck from contacting Peter K. Burian to purchase Autumn in HD, nor finding out who took Home or Purple flower. The Windows XP brand wallpaper was created by Microsoft themselves and doesn't have an official HD version.

Most of these come from Getty Images and I got a few people with a downloader software to send me them in high/full res unwatermarked, where I resized and cropped them to 1920x1200. A few of them were dug up from the very corners of the internet.
The Bliss in that pack is very similar to the saturated version in my pack, except the cropping is slightly different. Oh well.
A little late, but I've released 2.1. It has many new wallpapers, including XP MCE sample pictures, Vista ones, 7 sample pictures and more.