Windows XP: Difficulty configuring static IP

I am using windows xp and have been having difficulty setting static IP addresses for the network interface adapters I have installed.

Whenever I set the NIC IP addresses through the TCP/IP setting and attempt to ping those IP address via the command prompt, the result is always "destination host unreachable".

Now, this computer is completely isolated and not meant to connect to any other network (internet, LAN, WAN, etc), so, I am puzzled as to why I've been unable to ping the NICs

I've tried a loopback test ping ( and have used the "identify adapter" utility to verify that the Network adapters are at least able to be recognized, however, beyond that, I've got no other signs of life.

What am I doing incorrectly?
Set up your Nic IP on your XP machine, as shown on jpg below.

IP set up.jpg

Open Command prompt

Type this if you are using the above Nic IP or edit accordingly.


If this doesn’t work. The question is then are you using a hardware firewall? If you are. You will need to set MAC address along with machine name and NIC IP for Machine.

Hope this helps.
More info would help - what are the IP addresses/subnet masks of the other PCs? Are you sure you have layers 1-5? Do have a firewall in between as Madeleine asked?
More info would help - what are the IP addresses/subnet masks of the other PCs? Are you sure you have layers 1-5? Do have a firewall in between as Madeleine asked?

There are no other PCs, this is a single host computer that is isolated from any network.
I should be able to simply set a static IP address and be able to ping the IP address, but, whenever I do, I receive the "Destination Host Unreachable" error.

IP -
Subnet Mask -

I don't need a default gateway since the computer is not connected to a router, nor shall it ever be.

The NIC contains two ports -
Intel 82567LM-3
Intel 82574L

The drivers are at the latest revs.

How do I verify that "layers 1-5" exist? I am not familiar with this phrasing. OSI layers?
I think we may have solved the problem.

You can’t ping a computer that is not connected to a network. Even if is has a really long cable from the Nic on the computer. It needs to be connected to a network box, a router, a firewall, a switch. Anything that is turned on that can return the ping.

To ping is like bouncing a ball off a wall. If you throw a ball with no wall, how can you catch it?

To make sure I am correct I just pinged my computer.

I got

Ping Statistics

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 <0% loss>,

I then removed the 10 metre cable from my switch.

And got

Destination host unreachable.

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 <100% loss>,

I have a hunch this is what you are seeing?

So you need to plug into router or a switch etc with it turned on to ping.

Hope this helps.
Yes I am talking about OSI layers. If you can't establish the first layer (physical) nothing else will work. Configuring an IP address on an interface without layer 1 is the same as having no IP address. The link light on most NICs represents layer 1. Madeleine's analogy is a perfect example. Ping needs a destination to receive a reply from. The only way to ping your own IP without connecting to another host/LAN is with an ethernet loopback plug. Maybe if you could tell us what you are trying to a accomplish we could provide guidance.